[CQ-Contest] Real Old

John T. Laney, III k4BAI at worldnet.att.net
Fri Oct 30 14:53:21 EST 1998

James Headrick wrote:
> >>
> >>Any other ideas for suitable criteria?
> How about if you remember wining your section and the West Gulf Division SS
> with 64 Sections, 245 Q, and 45,978 points?  Number of contacts leader was
> W6MVK with 469 and a  average rate of 12 per hour!  W6KFC had 386 contacts.
>  This 1937 SS lasted two weekends.  Trivia question:  why such low QSO
> numbers and rates?
> All above because I got a 1930s QST CD ROM
> >
> Some others:  When the Germany px was just D,  Japan just J,  USSR just U.
> Later when Saar was a DXCC country.  If you remember this sort of stuff you
> are really over the hill.
> >******************************************************************
> >*      Jim Headrick (W3CP) --->  headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil    *
> >******************************************************************
> >
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
Hello Jim:  I deny being over the hill.  Saar was a separate DXCC
country in the mid 1950s and I have several 9S4 QSLs.  73, John,

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