[CQ-Contest] Late logs

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Fri Apr 9 11:15:08 EDT 1999

Hi gang...

We are now enforcing the submission deadlines for our contests.  Because of
the time demands required for data entry, then the log checking, the time
has come to enforce these rules.  Notice has been given frequently on this
reflector and in other forums and the "grace period" has finally run out.
So, as per our General Rules for all ARRL Contests "Logs not sent by the
contest deadline will be classified as checklogs: no extensions, no

This will not affect the vast majority of users on this list.  In advance, I
apologize to the few of you who end up getting caught in this one, but the
time has come that we have to tighten the rules enforcement of deadlines.

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
Contest Branch Manager, ARRL

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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