[CQ-Contest] LPT interface to Yaesu DVS-2 for the SoundBlaster and CVB and SBDVP TSR drivers

Tony and Celia Becker becker at sprintmail.com
Sun Apr 11 03:38:05 EDT 1999

Dave, K8CC, wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of David A. Pruett
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 1999 8:50 PM
> To: v31jp at logical123.net; CQ-Contest
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Voice keyers
> Joe,
> Tony, AE0M out in W6 sent me the schematic for exactly what you're
> describing - i.e., a LPT to Yaesu interface for the DVS-2.  For
> the life of
> me I can't put my fingers on it at the moment, but you might try to get in
> touch with him (dunno if he got a new call).
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC

Dave, I will never get a new call, I LIKE this one!
Here it is again...

PTT  DVS0 DVS1 Function
"1"  "0"  "0"  Receiver Audio at Voice Out, Voice In muted
"0"  "0"  "0"  Voice Out and In both muted
"1"  "0"  "1"  Transmitter Mic. audio at Voice Out, Voice In muted
"0"  "0"  "1"  Transmitter Mic. audio at Voice Out, Voice In muted
"1"  "1"  "0"  Voice Out muted, Voice In signal at Receiver Audio output
"0"  "1"  "0"  Voice Out and In both muted
"1"  "1"  "1"  Voice Out and In both muted
"0"  "1"  "1"  Voice Out muted, Voice In signal at Receiver Audio output
               and Transmitter Audio
"0" means pin at ground, "1" means pin at Vdd

The Yaesu DVS port
Pin# Name      Description
1    VOICE IN  Input from Sound Blaster Speaker output
2    VOICE OUT Output to Sound Blaster Mic input
3    PTT       Push To Talk control line
4    Vdd       Power Supply, +12V for FT-990 or +9V for all others.
5    DVS0      DVS control line
6    DVS1      DVS control line
7    GND       Ground

DVS port to SOUND BLASTER for use with W9CFs "SBDVP.EXE"
                to Sound Blaster Mic input-+
from Sound Blaster Speaker output----+     |
(USE A 1:1 TRANSFORMER)          +---^-----^-------+
                                 |   |     |        \>| 2N3906
                                 |   |     |          |----+-----+
                                 |   |     O        /-|    \     \
                       +---------+---^--O4 2 5O----+       /     /
            2N3906  |</          |   +-O1     3O-+         \ 330 \330
                 +--|            |      O6   7O  | SW      /     /
                 \  |-\          |      |  ^  |  | ON AIR  \     \
                 /     |         |      | DVS |  | ___|    |     |
                 \ 330 |         |      |     |  +-O  O----+     |
                 /     |         |      |     |            |     |
                 \     | 2N3906|</      |     |            |     |
                 |     +-------|        |     |            |     |
                 |     \       |-\      |     |            |     |
                 |     /          +-----+     |            |     |
                 |     \ 330                  |            |     |
                 |     /                      |            |     |
                 |     \                      |            |     |
                 |     |                      |            |     |
                 |     +----------------------^-------+----+     |
                 |                            |       |          |
                                              |       |          |
                                 1000         |     |/ 2N3904    |
Printer Port pin 16, ------------/\/\/--------^-----|            |
                                              |     |\           |
                                              |       >          |
                                              |        |         |
Printer Port pin 1, Strobe--------------------^--------+         |
                                 1000         |                |/
Printer Port pin 2, D0-----------/\/\/--------^----------------|
                                              |                |\
                                              |          2N3904  >
                                              |                   |
Printer Port pins 18-25-----------------------+-------------------+

                to Sound Blaster Mic input-+
from Sound Blaster Speaker output----+     |
(USE A 1:1 TRANSFORMER)          +---^-----^-------+
                                 |   |     |        \>| 2N3906
                                 |   |     |          |----+-----+
                                 |   |     O        /-|    \     \
                       +---------+---^--O4 2 5O----+       /     /
            2N3906  |</          |   +-O1     3O-+         \ 330 \330
                 +--|            |      O6   7O  | SW      /     /
                 \  |-\          |      |  ^  |  | ON AIR  \     \
                 /     |         |      | DVS |  | ___|    |     |
                 \ 330 |         |      |     |  +-O  O----+     |
                 /     |         |      |     |            |     |
                 \     | 2N3906|</      |     |            |     |
                 |     +-------|        |     |            |     |
                 |     \       |-\      |     |            |     |
                 |     /          +-----+     |            |     |
                 |     \ 330                  |            |     |
                 |     /                      |            |     |
                 |     \                      |            |     |
                 |     |                      |            |     |
                 |     +----------------------^-------+----+     |
                 |                            |       |          |
                                              |       |          |
                                 1000         |     |/ 2N3904    |
Printer Port pin 3, D1-----------/\/\/--------^-----|            |
                                              |     |\           |
                                 1000         |       >        |/
Printer Port pin 2, D0-----------/\/\/--------^--------^-------|
                                              |        |       |\
                                              |        | 2N3904  >
                                              |        |          |
Printer Port pins 18-25-----------------------+--------+----------+

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