[CQ-Contest] PSK31 Contest

tgstewart at pepco.com tgstewart at pepco.com
Thu Apr 15 10:43:49 EDT 1999

Yes, apparently Shelby reads "Run only Single Transmitter/Single Operator"  as
running a single radio?   I didnt read it that way...  just that there is only a
single op category and you can only transmit one signal at a time (as usual).

Clear as mud to me! hi!

73, Ty K3MM

To:   K4WW at aol.com, cq-contest at contesting.com, psk at n2ty.org
cc:    (bcc: Tyler G Stewart/BENN/CEC)
Subject:  Re: [CQ-Contest] PSK31 Contest

> <<  Categories:   Run only single transmitter/ single operator. >>
> Congratulations to TARA for defining, without question,
> the "single operator" category!!  ARRL, CQ and all other
> contest sponsors, please "take notice"!!!
> Shelby - K4WW

Hmmm - does this mean only one transmitter at a time?  If my station
is configure so I have a different radio for each band - can I not
enter this contest?  What if only one of them is turned on at a time?

Tree N6TR
tree at contesting.com

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