[CQ-Contest] PSK31 Contest

Jay Townsend ws7i at ewarg.org
Thu Apr 15 09:08:29 EDT 1999

At 09:00 AM 4/15/99 -0500, Zack Widup wrote:
>On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 n6tr at teleport.com wrote:
>> > <<  Categories:   Run only single transmitter/ single operator. >>
>> > 
>> > Congratulations to TARA for defining, without question, 
>> > the "single operator" category!!  ARRL, CQ and all other
>> > contest sponsors, please "take notice"!!!
>> > Shelby - K4WW
>> Hmmm - does this mean only one transmitter at a time?  If my station
>> is configure so I have a different radio for each band - can I not
>> enter this contest?  What if only one of them is turned on at a time?
>> Tree N6TR
>> tree at contesting.com
>I thought the TARA contest is a PSK31 contest. How many QSO's can you 
>make at once in PSK31 mode? Not only do you need a separate radio for 
>each band, you also need a separate computer for each band and I hope 
>you can read fast!

Ahem, not exactly, with Writelog, you can run one radio off each side of a
Sound Blaster and have it all running fine on one computer.

Actually PSK31 is much slower than even RTTY. And it is a contest exchange
of course.

Tree was correct, ambiguous rule IMHO. 

Jay Townsend, WS7I < ws7i at ewarg.org >

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