[CQ-Contest] Looking for data

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Sun Aug 1 11:42:52 EDT 1999

Attention contesters !

I am assisting the staff of CQ in updating the CQ Amateur Radio Almanac. I 
need your help in updating two sections of the book of interest to the 
contest community.

1. Highest rates in contests

I am looking for the highest rates in several categories. Please send me 
your data with the operator's call, call used, band(s), contest, year, day, 
and hour. You can use either the best 60 minutes, or the best clock hour 
(i.e., 0000-0059)- your choice.

Here are the categories, minimum levels, and current Top Guns as I have 

DX Contest, DX Side, SSB - minimum 325; top: KR0Y* at P40L CQWW 1993 (457)
DX Contest, DX Side, CW - minimum 200; top: CT1BOH at P40E CQWW 1997 (255)

* - now N5TJ

DX Contest, US side, SSB - minimum 150; top: KC1F at K1EA CQWW 1988 (221)
DX Contest, US side, CW - minimum 125; top: K1AR at K1EA CQWW 1995 (183)

ARRL SS SSB - minimum 140; top KI3V** 1994 (191)
ARRL SS CW - minimum 125; top K5GA @ N5RZ 1995 (121)

** - now N7TR

ARRL 10M contest - minimum 200; top K6LL (1994 (273, all SSB)

Since there may be a lot of very high rates since the last compilation of 
high rates, I may have to raise the minimum for publication if I get a lot 
of really high rates.

Also, I'd like to include the top combined (all-band) hours for various 
noteworthy multi-ops - I think some of the combined hours at PJ9B have been 
over 800 or 900. Has any station broken 1000 QSOs in a single hour? Please 
send interesting data, and I'll pick the best ones.

Honor system prevails in this reporting. Output from AB6WM's RATE program is 
fine. Tapes or MP3 files not necessary or desired. Rates from non-
contest DXpeditions welcome if they meet the minimum criteria.

2. Biggest antennas

Since contesters tend to have big antennas, I figure this is a good place to 
start. If you have (or know of someone who has) something REALLY BIG, please 
let me know.

Please summarize by band, and use a syntax like:

15: 4/4/4/4/4/4 at 200/170/140/110/80/50 feet, all 104-CD, bottom 5 beams 
fixed on Europe

(this happens to be the KC1XX 15M stack of Cushcraft 4-element yagis...)

I am only interested in antennas built specifically for Amateur radio use. 
Commercial/government antennas like the Arecibo dish or Far East 
Broadcasting Company Saipan curtain array that have been used by hams do not 

Please feel free to forward these requests to other lists or Web sites. 
Whatever I have by September 1 will be included in the 2000 Edition of the 
CQ Amateur Radio Almanac. Please send data to <k1dg at contesting.com>.


Doug K1DG

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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