[CQ-Contest] Last 2 Revisited and Another Question

Jon Ogden jono at enteract.com
Tue Aug 3 08:13:25 EDT 1999

K7LXC at aol.com wrote:

>> As to my other question, I need some suggestions on the art of signal
>>  report embellishment.  For example, when the other guy asks me to repeat my
>>  call sign six times because he can "barely make it out in all the crud on
>>  the band tonight" and then gives me a 5 by 9 signal report, I am forced to
>>  wonder about him.  8-)  It just makes you want to go, "Huh?"
>      No huh involved. You might be a *real* 5 by 9 but if he's got a 40 db 
>over or more adjacent signal (and who doesn't?), you will probably need to 
>repeat some info. Happens ALL the time. Those who can pull you out of the 
>overwhelming crud are the ones who WIN the contests.

But let's face it, you and I and everyone knows that virtually NO ONE 
gives "rea" signal reports during contests or even DX-Peditions (happens 
a little more here).  If you can copy them it's "59."

The last major effort I did was the CW WPX SSB contest.  I think I can 
count on one hand the signal reports I received that were not 59.  And I 
think all of those were from recreational contesters.

So the question is: Should you give an accurate signal report?  I think 
that would slow down rate as you have yet another thing to look at - the 
S-meter.   It's also amazing how many people don't reall understand how 
to give RS or RST.  When was the last time you heard someone give you a 
readability of other than 5?

Personally, I am content to just give "59" or "5NN."  It gives me a good 
chuckle when (after I give my full call), the guy comes back and says, 
"November Alpha.  You are 59 101 but I need your full call, and report."  
And this is said after the third time I've given my information!  Yes, it 
may be QRM, but I may be real weak too!  :-)



Jon Ogden

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