R: R: [CQ-Contest] Highest ever rate ?

Maurizio Panicara i4jmy at iol.it
Tue Aug 3 19:06:50 EDT 1999

Some point is still missing....:

PJ is in South America while V2 is in North America. Avoiding any other
consideration, V2 gets an (but useless to win) advantage over Europe
in working the same continent, but...
To win a WW, PJ (HC8 ZD8 EA8 etc) must work not only quantities of USA,
but Europe Japan and search for mults, whose last thing seem not so much
done by most caribbeans sometimes beaten even by Europeans.....
The quantity of possible QSO's in the range of 2000 miles within Europe
and within North America from caribbean or canada is not comparable.
Spain, for example It's a small spot within that range, and European hams
population is anyway a much smaller one.....
Scoring by distance could be a correction but, still who's in south America
is closer to the biggest Ham population (good on all bands) and also get
favours of propagation to Europe and Japan,expecially on higher bands and
maximally when suncycle is off the good years....

Then ??

Check the rules and if You like to try winning (a top operator is anyway a
must) move to a favoured place bringing with you all what's needed and
be prepared to something that's challanging in all senses.
If You like to stay home, or You can't go where it should be better, deal
into the competition within known limits and surely, more points for other
continents qsos will distinguish you among the other operators belonging
to your same continent or zone.
Apart contest winners, top operators can be found among continental and
zone leaders.

Mauri I4JMY (one of IR4T)

-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: <harri.mantila at nokia.com>
A: <jono at enteract.com>; <i4jmy at iol.it>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Data invio: martedì 3 agosto 1999 15.54
Oggetto: RE: R: [CQ-Contest] Highest ever rate ?

> Hello!
> > Netherland's Antilles are hard to beat cause they get 3
> > points for QSOs with the US.  While the guys in Antigua (V26B, etc),
> get
> > 2 points. P40 and V26 aren't that tremendously far apart.
> Yes, but still in Europe we get only 1 point for the QSOs that are made
> inside the same continent although for example the distance from Finland
> Spain is about 2000 miles.
> Just one idea that came into my mind:
> What about if we would make scoring like 1 point for the same zone, 2
> for the other zone in the same continent and 3 points for DX. Then it
> be the same for all the stations. No exceptions between continents.
> What say?
> 73 de Harry
> ____________________________________
> Harri M. Mantila
> oh6yf at sral.fi
> http://www.qsl.net/oh6yf
> GSM: +358-50-5472478
> Fax: +358-9-51120290

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