[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes Rules Changes

Gary Schwartz garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net
Tue Aug 3 23:37:16 EDT 1999

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Greg Becker wrote:

> Wow.
> Those of you who know me know that I am not often at a loss for words, but
> it's almost all I can do to sit here and just shake my head in amazement.
> Given the current and very-well-known state of contest logging, was NO
> thought given to the fact that this MAJOR, RADICAL change in the contest
> format would affect THOUSANDS of contesters, not to mention EVERY supplier
> of software? And what about...  nevermind.
> Once again, we see the effects of a poorly conceived and ill-considered
> change in contest rules by the ARRL. I'd be disappointed, but I'm kinda
> getting used to it...

Just like when the ARRL changed the Field Day rules and ruined the 1A class.
Will they ever learn and leave well enough alone?

Gary K9GS 
  /       K9GS       |______________________________
 /   FP/K9GS, TO5M   |Society of Midwest Contesters |____________________
(                    |   garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net   |                   /
 \   Gary Schwartz   |   K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM    | Greater Milwaukee/
  \__________________|                              |  DX Association (
                   (________________________________|       GMDXA      \
                              KNOW CODE !         (_____________________\

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