[CQ-Contest] RE: SS pref changing midstream

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at radio.org
Wed Aug 4 14:00:56 EDT 1999

On 8/3/99 20:07, AD6E at aol.com at AD6E at aol.com wrote:

>Speaking of having fun, I find that packet increases the FUN factor... 
>especially in the final hours of SS where not only *I* need that last mult, 
>but I can help others achieve that goal too.

There's no denying the fun factor for the cluster-addicted. That's the 
best reason to have an assisted category.

>If S/P is a new category, fine .. especially if it increases packet 
>activity... although I've never had any qualms about entering as M/S.

I supposed you didn't use packet last year, though. Both of your entries 
for 1998 SS appear as signal operator in the results.


Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
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            -- Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales

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