[CQ-Contest] Whither DC?

Bob Selbrede k6zz at ccis.com
Wed Aug 4 10:40:37 EDT 1999

At 10:09 AM 8/4/99 -0400, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>I still haven't gotten a response from any of the powers that be
>regarding the status of DC in the NAQP contest. 


As I believe George, K5TR has already pointed out, Bruce WA7BNM answered
your question last week here on CQ Contest.  He didn't E-Mail you direct.
I'm sure he assumed you would read the posting on CQ Contest along with
other folks who may also want to know the answer.

To reiterate what Bruce said, DC counts as Maryland in the NAQP (and Sprints
I believe).  We'll take a look at the possibility of adding it when we
review potential rule changes for the Year 2000 and beyond contests.  Last
minute rule changes would not be wise.  Bruces' response last week is listed

73, Bob K6ZZ
NAQP CW Contest Manager

At 08:29 AM 7/29/99 -0700, Eric Rosenberg wrote:
>I may be on for the NAQP SSB.  Looking at the rules, it says that
>States are counted as multipliers. 
>What about folks like me who live in that Federal enclave known as The
>District of Columbia. Are we a multiplier?

In the NAQP SSB/CW Contests the District of Columbia counts as Maryland.
I'll add this to our list of items to clarify in the 2000 update of the rules.

NAQP CW   1800Z, Aug 7 to 0600Z, Aug 8
NAQP SSB  1800Z, Aug 21 to 0600Z, Aug 22

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)
NAQP SSB Contest Manager

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