[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 Meter Not-In-Log

Jon Ogden jono at enteract.com
Mon Aug 9 16:18:56 EDT 1999

Trey Garlough wrote:

>I haven't been following the exact details of this thread, but in
>general I think one could say that a correct two-way exchange and
>logging of information must take place for a contest QSO to be valid.
>If I work ZL1ANJ in a contest and he logs me as K5KO rather than N5KO,
>then I could imagine credit for the QSO being granted to neither
>Martin nor me because a correct two-way exchange of information did
>not take place.  It doesn't matter whether K5KO was a copying *error*
>or whether it was a typographical *error*.  In both cases, the
>operative word is *error*.

Technically, speaking, Trey I think you are correct.  It is incumbent 
upon BOTH stations to make sure that ALL info is correctly logged.  
However, in such a case as I get your call right, but you don't get mine, 
I should not get zapped -3 points for the mistake which I may not be able 
to control (You may come back and say, "KE9NA, QSL the 59 IL..."  Yet you 
may type my call as KR9NA or KE9MA, etc.  According to what I know, you 
reported back the info correctly yet you typed it wrong.).  I would argue 
in this general case that both stations should get zero points.



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