[CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik at ibm.net
Sun Aug 15 10:37:22 EDT 1999

I hate to sound like I'm picking on the log checker, but this stand
on "cut numbers" is dead wrong.  In case anyone has forgotten, all
contest exchanges started out as "message copying" exercises.  Anyone
who has EVER copied message traffic is told "WRITE DOWN EXACTLY WHAT
IS SENT ... DO NOT 'INTERPRET' IT."  In message handling, unless one
receives standard texts (ARL nnn, 73, etc.) the message is always
delivered "as received."

While contest "messages" (even SS) have been shortened over the years,
the exchange it is still a message and should ALWAYS be copied as sent.
*IF* cut numbers are prohibited by the contest sponsor (and any
prohibition should be spelled out in the published rules), the SENDING
STATION should be penalized ... after all, most summary sheets these
days include the notation "all reports 59(9) zzzz unless noted."

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I
       <W8IK at IBM.NET>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of David A. Pruett
> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 1999 12:43 AM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking
> It amazes me that people seem to think they should log what the other
> station sends without thinking.  When the rules say "a received serial
> number", they don't mean an alphanumeric pattern of digits. It is
> up to you to interpret what the other station means - some of you act
> as if the logchecker should do this, in which case he is essentially
> doing some of the operating for you!
> Example: You work KH0W in the ARRL 10M contest who sends you 5NN NE.  Now
> is KH0W on Saipan and you're his 95th QSO?  Or, did KH0W get his
> license on Saipan and move back to home to Nebraska?  If you simply log
> 5NN NE, what do you claim as a multiplier?  If you don't know, how is the
> logchecker supposed to know?
> While working on the ARRL 10M logs I asked for a clarification on cut
> numbers in received exchanges and was told by K5FUV that cut numbers were
> not allowed by the ARRL and those QSOs were to be discredited (note: no
> penalty).  N6TR told me that nobody used cut numbers in the checked SS
> logs.  In ARRL 10M, I estimate that fewer than 5% of the logs had any cut
> serial numbers in them.  Most people seem to understand that a serial
> number is a pattern of numbers.  If you can't accomplish translating in
> your head, your skills are non-competitive with those of your
> competitors.
> Don't complain, practice.
> 73,
> Dave/K8CC
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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