[CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking

Robert Naumann n5nj at att.net
Wed Aug 18 03:41:06 EDT 1999

I cannot believe the discussion this subject has spawned.

Some old timers complain, new guys complain, but the vast, silent majority
just copies 599 when they hear 5NN.

What's the big deal ?

I confess that when I hear ENN for 599 it still throws me for a fraction of
a second.  However, it happens when I'm  expecting a 5NN or 599 so it's
almost automatic.  I have not personally experienced anyone sending cut
numbers in mixed groups like those that K3ZO referred to in his note about
the Chinese CW stations ( thanks for that interesting item Fred !).

CW abbreviations have been around forever.  A "T", or a long dah to be more
accurate, has been an abbreviation for zero for much longer than this
over-the-hill operator has known the code.  Perhaps Marconi and Sarnoff used
it ?  I wouldn't be surprised.  (See "The Men Who Made Radio" PBS video by
Ken Burns available from Amazon.com)

Seriously, I think that the newer operators today may not be getting the
guidance and teaching that many of us old timers had when we were first
licensed.    Perhaps, the no-code thing has had a significant, far reaching

Robert E. Naumann
N5NJ / V26O
Plano, TX  USA
ex KR2J, V26RN, W6V, WA2OVE

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