[CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers in Log Checking

Dale L. Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Tue Aug 17 18:20:36 EDT 1999

>> If not, why don't they ask for a fill?
>> Usually, when on repeat, most stations send full numbers.
>> If I am not sure I say NR? or AGN, unless it is OK!
>Now this is the answer. Even if I copy 'AUNE' as an exchange,
I'm gonna ask
>for a fill till I get 1295, especially when condx are marginal.
Balderdash, Hose!

Are you going to single-handedly alter the operating methods of
all those who send cut numbers?  I doubt it.

Now, if many, many of us did that, then, yes, it would very
likely be effective and we could change their thoughts about the
efficacy of cut numbers.  But, you and I know that ain't gonna

Why let trying to 'educate' him and slow him down slow you down,
too?  Let it slow other people down (the cut number sender and
the next guy he works who asks him for the repeat).

As for you,

You KNOW what he sent.

You KNOW what it means.

Make that mental conversion, punch in the numbers and get on with
the next QSO.

By the way, at least one contest's rules I've found state
"digits" are to be entered.

>I am wondering how to log ARRL DX Contest exchanges in the
future. Many stns
>send 'K' or 'KW'. In the past I've typed in KW.

I've wondered about that, too.  I know that K or KW means 1,000,
but the rules say a "3-digit number".

dale, kg5u

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