R: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest exchange

I4UFH Fabio i4ufh at aev.net
Sat Aug 21 12:26:43 EDT 1999

As DX side, I think that the actual format it's working ok...

ARRL it's the best WW Contest with short report
that can give fun  for the  high rate that can allow...
USA op's are faster and we can peek 300 QSO /h
even we are in EUROPE. Leave these trill without
moving around the world !!!

Adding a serial number transform it into an a WPX
Contest with a slowdown rate due the serial number
report, surely it will became a more difficult work
because anyone need to understand the serial number
received, but following the last ARRL 10m discussion
about log checking, I think that the best think it's to improve
the log checking on callsign, and apply the rule that if the
QSO don't appear in both log with correct call ,  loose
the QSO without penality, if the QSO is busted apply penality.

At least I can suggest to modify the DX report from Power to
Country ID as CQ 160m Contest, in this way USA side can
check the country without any software error and overriding
it if wrong.

Grid square report, seem to be a good idea, I want to add one
more suggestion to this idea :

Modify the score calculaton, as in "Stew" increasing the point x
QSO in relation at the distance between the Station. In this way the result
are more equalizied, the Carabian advantage will be reduced,
V3 could compete with P4, eastern EU with Western EU,
W6 against W1 and every one have more challange to be competitive
year by year, because the score mostly depend from the station
setup, propagation and op's. Now every one know which will
be the top six each category before the contest, the big western
EU advantage could not be beated from every another place in EU
 the P4/PJ South American  place it's the same thing. West Coast
could have chance on East Coast  ... it's a dream ???

73 de Fabio I4UFH   ARRL DX Side ....

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