[CQ-Contest] Sleep deprevation

Scott/Lori Jasper NE9U/KA9ZGD jasper at powercom.net
Thu Dec 2 22:40:16 EST 1999

I tried the sleep before contest method this time since i was off work for thanksgiving (usually have to work on friday before the
got about 3 hours sleep, and it really seemed to help.  kept going nonstop until about 1600z saturday when, since i was at a M/M
anyway, decide to hit the sack for a couple hours.  got back on around 1900z, and other than another 2 hour break from 0800-1000z
kept on going to the end.

i didnt feel too bad during the contest, but boy have i been dragging all week.  anyone else ever experience that?  i just cant
seem to catch up on my sleep.  maybe i just should have taken monday off work and slept all day!  not sure what else a guy could do
to get back into a normal rhythm?

73  Scott  NE9U

jasper at powercom.net
Amateur Radio NE9U/KA9ZGD/KB9TTO/TBA

> Bill Fisher - W4AN wrote:
> > I slept 4 hours right before the contest.  This kept me going >through the 48 hour contest and I felt better than any other
>contest to date.
> Hi Bill, et al
> I've always wondered how people can do this.  The contests start
> at 4:00 p.m. local time here, and that would mean I'd have to go
> in at noon and go to bed.  When I lay down during the day, my
> mind is going 90 miles and hour and I finally just give it up and
> get back up.  I've never yet been able to sleep right before the
> contest.  I wish I could! 73
> Tom W7WHY
> --
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