[CQ-Contest] 10m contest-Bad Signals

Lee Buller k0wa at southwind.net
Wed Dec 15 09:15:40 EST 1999

At 09:11 AM 12/14/99 -0800, you wrote:
>This was my first serious entry into the world of contesting and it was
>Now the question,
>I try to have a clean signal, as tight as possible with minimal splatter.
>If you worked me over the weekend, how did it sound to you? 
>I noticed other stations that could hve turned their mic gain down a bit or
>backed off their compression. 

Henry...thanks for the comments....

I ran SOHP Mixed (500 watts so it wasn't a rock crushing operation) with an
IC-765 I got at Dayton last year.  Some signals sounded distorted even with
10 or 20 db of attenuation.  Then, they would clear up.  Now a lot of
people were pretty ragged on SSB.  This also occured to me on CW where the
CW note distorted.

Finally, one guy tells me I have a problem, that by SSB audio is distorted.
 The distortion came and went despite what mic setting I used.  (Heil HC-4
mic).  Bummer.  Rigs broke.  Sell-sell-sell.  One guy spent a half an hour
listening to be call cq and worked with me about the issue.  Finally, I
gave up because it was distorting so bad.

Well, I changed some things around in the shack,  Took a small tuner and
watt meter off the TOP of the rig and things seemed to get better.  After
the contest I went up to the ICOM web page and there is a fix for the
problem I am having.

I really appreciate people working with me rather than cussing me for a
crappy signal.  As it turns out, I have a broken rig that needs repairs.  I
thank the guys who help me out....

k0wa at southwind.net

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