[CQ-Contest] Stew (and categories)

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Thu Dec 23 21:44:17 EST 1999

I wrote:

>  I prefer to compete in the highest, most difficult or competitive 
>  category I can qualify for. Leave it to the guys that are "stuck" in those 
>  categories because of their limitations, let them fight amongst themselves 

and I got accused of all kinds of things, from trying to limit the freedom of 
choice, being against guest operating, to hating QRPers, etc.
    All I tried to say, that if I (me, mua, mich, ja) was Wayne Gretzky, I 
would play in the NHL and not in a high school turnaments.
    I did not say QRP are lesser citizens or stupid, that LP operators don't 
know how to operate and all those other things I was accused of. 
    I went through SWLing, QRPing, low power, wire antennas all the way to 
stacked Razors and kW. And unless they take my hardware and power away, I 
ain't going back to prove that I can beat little pistols too. I kinda think 
that if I can hold my own with the big boys, I would have no problem 
"beating" little guys and there is no need to prove it. Let them fight 
amongst themselves. That's all.
    From my home QTH I am forced to operate LP, otherwise all the 
neighborhood fax machines and answering machines go bananas. With 160m 
Inverted Vee up in the tree I would fire up as LP and feel OK about it. But 
if I went to KC1XX and operated QRP, I (me, not you or anybody else) would 
feel stupid. 
    Do whatever turns you on, it is still free country (?)
    As far as Stew contest scoring system, if the idea is to force people to 
operate QRP in order to win, it is fine. Personally I would rather see 
"normal" scoring system, separate categories. I fired up for a while and was 
wondering to what happened to some of them beacon signals (I was suspecting 
my RX gone deaf), then XYL dragged me away from the radio to put up Christmas 
tree and then off to NJ Pops Christmas Concert. I still had fun handing out 
some points to all them self-handicaped stewers.

Merry Christmas & HNY2K

Yuri, K3BU (VC1A at VE1ZZ) HP

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