[CQ-Contest] Re: Last 2

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Wed Jul 28 19:12:49 EDT 1999

> The frustration of trying to get a 2X2 call through, let alone a 2X3 call,
> before getting blasted by someone running the "legal limit" can get to you
> after a while.
> Your suggestions on how to be successful without being a lid would be
> greatly appreciated.

Simply give your call phonetically when the DX station indicates he is
ready to take calls, possibly as in one of the following manners:

o CQ Contest CQ Contest this is Hotel Charlie Eight November
o Thank you.  QRZed this is Hotel Charlie Eight November
o Thanks, Hotel Charlie Eight November
o Roger, HC8N
o Thanks

The correct call for you to make is

Kilo Kilo Seven Sierra Radio

Possible responses by HC8N might be:

o W3LPL 59-10		
	(answers W3LPL, try again at next appropriate moment)
o Two Alpha 59-10	
	(answers someone with a shorter call like xx2A and his response 
	to xx2A overlapped somewhat with your initial call -- don't
	worry, this happens all the time -- call again with your full
	call at next appropriate moment)
o something Radio, again?
	(possibly answering you, give your call once phonetically)
o something Sierra Radio 59-10
	(probably answering you, give your call once phonetically then
         your report)
o Kilo Kilo Seven Sierra 59-10
	(probably answering you, say "My call is Kilo Kilo Seven 
	Sierra RADIO, you are 59-03")
o Again?
	(this is like a CQ, give your call phonetically)
o CQ Contest CQ Contest...
	(he didn't hear your call .. maybe your signal is too weak)

> BTW, I am having a blast at this after waiting for 30 years to be able to
> be a part of it.

Right on!  This is what it's all about!

--Trey, N5KO

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