[CQ-Contest] How to Count DC in NAQP

Tim Totten, N4GN n4gn at n4gn.com
Thu Jul 29 19:39:53 EDT 1999

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Eric Rosenberg wrote:

> I may be on for the NAQP SSB.  Looking at the rules, it says that
> States are counted as multipliers. 
> What about folks like me who live in that Federal enclave known as The
> District of Columbia. Are we a multiplier?

Hi Eric.  About ten years ago, I worked a DC station on two or three bands
in one of the NAQPs.  I decided to claim it as a mult, but noted the
omission in the rules and sent a letter to whoever was coordinating the
log checking at the time.  The response was that DC should be counted the
same as MD.  I didn't find that answer very satisfying, but didn't pursue
it any further at the time.

FWIW, my opinion is that DC should be added as a separate multiplier.
Whatever the official ruling, it should be clearly stated one way or the
other in the rules.

I can assure you that you'd be VERY popular from DC in contests like CQ
160, ARRL 10, etc.!


Tim Totten, n4gn at n4gn.com

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