[CQ-Contest] WPX, CQWW, ARRL, and ..........

Soro Roberto soro at sia.it
Wed Jun 2 10:57:53 EDT 1999

I know I am nobody in contesting,
and for that I can judge myself be "super-partes".
If you ever find me in some Contest final result
you'd better start from the bottom of the list to look for my callsign!
In any case I always thought (since I had my license in 1973)
that the date were choosen with the following criteria:
-Major World Wide contest's sponsors choose first
-The date (and time) is located in the period of the year (and of the day)
where the propagation can give (statistically) the best results to the wider
community they suppose will get into that contest.

"You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one..."    John Lennon, Imagine.

If this is not true, please, don't break my dreams!

Best 73.


mailto:i2wij at qsl.net

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