[CQ-Contest] Thank you VY1JA

V G pmb1010 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 4 05:45:36 EST 1999


You'll be missed. 
73 from the contest guys at W2SEX

Vic K2YW
>Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 17:01:57 -0800
>From: "J. Allen" <j.allen at yec.yk.ca>
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] TNX, & 73, VY1JA
>I think that most of you are aware that I am going QRT.  The first of 
>equipment has left and the remainder should be going out between now 
>Monday afternoon.
>Contrary to rumor, my going QRT  has nothing to do with anything any
>contester has done in any way. 
>I wanted to say thanks for the fun we had together over the last 9 
>I appreciate the support I was given in making VY1JA into the 
>likeness of a contest station, and in helping me to become a reasonable
>contest operator.
>There were times that drove me wild, and times that brought pleasure 
>peace, but all ended with a spirit of comradery with a great group of
>people.  I hope that you will remember my time with you with a smile.
>Keep the rate up.
>j.allen at yec.yk.ca

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