[CQ-Contest] Sending the wrong exchange

thompson at mindspring.com thompson at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 7 20:18:58 EST 1999

I agree its not always the receiving stations fault if something is
For example:  GW3GWX appears in many CQ 160 CW logs as RW3GWX and its
verified that he often sends  (or missends) the call that way.   On phone I
get return calls as K5JRB rather than K4JRB so I realize its my job to
correct the call.

I remember stations that send a different Check in the SS depending on the
operator.   I trust that by now the station must settle on one ck for the
entire contest.  Also recall the stations that send a different power level
in the ARRL Dx on 160 or 10 from the other bands or the variations of how
1000 watts is sent (KW, 1000, thousand, 000.   My fuzzy logic program gets
lost if this happens but every year I find stations that send different
locations in the CQ 160.   VP2E might send VP2V or AXR and VE2XX might send
PQ, QC, QU.   One guy sent AR and ARK on CW within 30 Q's of each other.

My pet peeve is the station that sends an old call or expected call in an
effort to help out the station called.   W4XXX may have been your call in
1975 but its AQ4ZI today so if there is a doubt about sending the call
DON'T.  I catch all these calls and so does the WRTC gang.   I especially
don't like W9/VP2VXX or P40ZZZ/W6 calls that pop up in the logs.  That Dx
call is No good here so don't use it.

Dave K4JRB

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