[CQ-Contest] A log at IARU log checking

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Wed Mar 10 13:43:47 EST 1999

Scott Robbins writes:
> You really want to see some bad score reductions?  Ask K5TR to post
> his 3830 claimed vs. actual score findings from the 1998 IARU HF 
> contest to the reflector.  George, how about it? 

Ok - since you asked.

I was looking at the IARU results and decided to 
compare the published scores to the scores reported 
on 3830 after the contest. I wish I had a more compleate 
list of claimed scores. None the less I think you 
will find this intresting.  It is too bad that
we will not get to see the CW SS scores until about
mid May.  It will give us all something to talk 
about at Dayton I am sure.

Kind of interesting - esp the ones over 10% change.
Also I wonder about the ones that show no change.
The listing is in order of score from the 3830 scores.
If you look closely you can see that several stations 
changed positions in the standings.  I am sure you will
see this in the SS as well - maybe even more of it
as SS scores are usually very close.

There are some errors in the process - but overall
it is great to see the ARRL is really checking 
logs for a change.

Important notes:

1. n2ic's log was "re-scored" as if he had done the contest
   from the east coast.  He is in Colorado.  It did not
   change his standing. But his % change in score went up
   as a result.

2. VE7NTT sent in a paper log and thus was not checked.
   I am told Gary won an award for clean logs a
   the last WRTC - and he is known for having
   very clean logs.  Other 0% change logs would 
   be so for the same reason.  It is my understanding
   that in the SS every effort is made to get a 
   disk or file if the person used a computer but 
   sent in a paper log.  They are also entering 
   hand logs - so they can have them in electronic format.
   So this will not happen in the SS or future contests.

3. There are some other scores that changed up - this 
   can happen if the 3830 listing was incorrect or
   if someone scored their log incorrectly.  These
   most likely account for the negitive % changes. 

Multiop          3830 score     QST score    % change  

WU4G		1,957,396	1,796,005	8%	
N3BB		1,893,935	1,792,036	5%	
K5MR		1,753,224	1,599,442	9%	
N1BB		1,706,568	1,442,721	15%	
K8CC		1,490,030	1,398,600	6%	
K8AZ		1,480,632	1,420,212	4%	
W4PA		1,401,400	1,344,525	4%	
K2LE		1,380,036	1,173,879	15%	
K3EST		1,062,616	  996,248	6%	

CW only
K5ZD		2,099,097	2,067,062	 2%	
W4AN		1,948,797	1,846,678	 5%	
K1TO		1,566,125	1,509,567	 4%	
N2IC		1,393,800	1,246,138	11%	
WC4E		1,114,105 	  933,282	16%	
AA3B		1,071,174	1,060,514	 1%	
KT3Y		1,060,951	  958,433	10%	
K9IG		  996,135	  921,225	 8%	
K7SV		  903,550	  874,412	 3%	

Mixed mode
XJ3EJ	ve3ej 	 2,182,208	 2,137,960	 2%	
W3LPL	ke3q	 2,125,500	 1,826,140	14%	
KQ2M		 1,929,536	 1,711,300	11%	
K3ZO		 1,749,190	 1,766,336	-1%	
XK7SZ	ve7ntt	 1,329,126	 1,329,482 	 0%	
N9AG		 1,291,868	 1,271,160	 2%	
W3GH	kb3aft	 1,079,830	 1,001,472	 7%	
W0TM		   823,476	   816,156	 1%	
N6ED		   822,950	   822,950	 0%	

SSB only
K5TR		1,378,377	 1,314,423	 5%	
N2QT		  784,302	   807,048	-3%	
W7NN		  762,246	   762,246	 0%	
N2TX		  728,312	   604,044	17%	


George Fremin III                 
Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
geoiii at kkn.net                             

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