[CQ-Contest] Att : Vancouver Contester/DXer...

Boris Knezovic T93Y bknezovi at utic.net.ba
Tue Mar 16 22:44:31 EST 1999

Hi There !

Darko T95A, who is not subscriber of this reflector, will be visiting some
relatives in the Vancouver area from 29th of March and would like to make
eye-ball QSO with local Contest/DX operators.

For more INFO please get in touch with Darko by sending E-mail message to
mailto:rusman at unhcr.ch

73's Boris T93Y

Boris Knezovic T93Y                  E-mail : bknezovi at utic.net.ba
Azize Sacirbegovic 2/XIV                      t93y at qsl.net
Sarajevo, BA-71000                   Packet : T93Y at T90BOX.SAR.BIH.EU
Bosnia and Herzegovina             WEB Page : http://www.qsl.net/t93y

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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