[CQ-Contest] NCJ 1999 Contester Hot Picks Editorial

Jeff Clarke KU8E at email.msn.com
Fri Mar 19 20:02:58 EST 1999

        Is it me or wasn't this editorial greatly slanted in the favor of
stations that were
 located on either the east/west coast of the US or Texas??  There is hardly
a mention
 about anyone in the Midwest and nobody at all in the 8th call area. I've
learned over
the years to cope with the lack of recognition that those of us in the "
Black Hole"  get from
those on the coasts but after reading this I had to throw in my two cents

       Maybe Mr. Motschenbacher just isn't  familiar with the
accomplishments that some
of us propogationally challenged Midwesterners have achieved over the past
few years
or so. Here are some that I think are worth mentioning :

1)  KW8N  :  Over the past 5 years Bob has won everything he has done from
the Caribbean,
                       as KP2A or P40*.  He is the only W8 to win the Phone
sprint. He is a regular top
                       3 multi-op finisher in ARRL SS Phone and the top
claimed Multi-op score for 1998.
                       He is one of the most talented contesters I have been
around and if his station was
                       on either coast he would be a regular winner.

2)  K8AZ  :    These guys have been contesting together for over 30 years.
In fact my first exposure
                       to big time multi-op contesting as a 16 year old was
at the old K8NZ station. These
                       guys have been making some big waves in the
multi-single and multi-2 categories
                       over the past 5 years or so.

3) K8DX       Scott has been doing single band entries the past few years
while in process of
                       building a station to do single op and has been
blowing away the competition. Just
                       wait until he gets it all up and running. He will be
a force the reckon with !!

4)  K8MK      These guys are perennial top 5 finishers in the multi-op
category in just about every
                       160 meter contest. Jim has bought a new house out in
the country with plans for
                        even bigger antennas. Watch out for these guys !

5)  WA8WZG :  This guy has owned the single-op category in VHF contesting
over the past several

6)  K8CC          Most of us know Dave from his logging software. Over the
years he has managed to put
                           together an accomplished crew and is usually near
the top of the pack during the DX
                           contests in the multi-multi category. W8MJ drives
the station during the 160 contest season
                           and is usually one of the top USA scorers.

7)  W8AV          ex - WD8LLD.  Goose has managed to build a nice station
and when he gets an
                           established group of regulars should start
posting some improved scores.
                           This station has been a frequent visitor to
various multi-op top ten boxes over the

                        I'm sure I am leaving out someone.  Black Holers
unite. Lets hear from you who you think
                        is deserving of recognition !!!!!


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