[CQ-Contest] Re NCJ 1999 Contester Hot Picks Editorial

Mike Nash, NO6X no6x at inreach.com
Fri Mar 19 21:07:00 EST 1999

This was one of the neatest things I have seen around in my short time in
this hobby. The article was GREAT. 
Was kinda neat to see what others are saying about each other (positive
comments, not the others).
I was suprised to see our NM6Q contest call placed in there, but someone
musta thought we were doing something right. 
I think this should be something that is done every year or so. 
To the gentelman that complained about no "black-holers" being in there,
all I can say is, next time write something about all the calls you
mentioned and send it to Dennis. 

Thanks again Dennis,
Mike...ND6A (ex NO6X)

!!!Better watch out for the NM6Q gang in WPX!!!
We got a new secret weapon...And SHE Can RUN THEM FAST!!!

A Keyring, what a handy gadget. It allows me to lose all of my keys at one

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