[CQ-Contest] SS scoring and points

Jim Pratt n6ig at netcom.com
Wed Mar 24 16:55:38 EST 1999

When I first got on for the November Sweepstakes many moons ago, I recall 
asking someone why QSOs were worth two points, any why the (then paper) 
logs allowed you to put down a point value for the QSO.  I was told that 
the contest used to allow for one-way QSOs, in which case there would 
only be one point assigned to that QSO.  In other words, if you sent your 
exchange, but didn't copy the exchange, you could still claim one point.

I have always doubted the validity of that story, but it does raise an 
interesting question in my mind.  All of this discussion about busted 
exchanges in the SS seems to relate to a bunch of people having a bunch 
of one-way QSOs.  If a person sends the exchange correctly (and it shows 
up in another person's log correctly), but s/he busts the received 
info...voila, a one point Q.  More importantly, if s/he consistently 
sends the exchange incorrectly (as demonstrated by what others have 
received and a pattern has been ascertained), then s/he is docked a QSO 
point for each "bad" exchange sent.

This is probably unwieldy, but perhaps it is worthy of discussion.

I applaud the SS log checking, despite being docked with a 2.5% error 
rate on CW.  I believe I am in good company.

73, Jim  N6IG

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