[CQ-Contest] Excellent information on stubs

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Wed Mar 31 08:33:11 EST 1999

There has been an excellent discussion on stubs and stub tuning on the
TowerTalk mail list this week.  For those of you not subscribed, I think
you would find a few of the messages worth reading.  You can go to
http://www.contesting.com/towertalk/_9903/ for the archives.  

One interesting thing that I did not know was that TopTen Devices is
selling tuned stubs.  They are tuned with a network analyzer, something
most of us shack-on-a-belt types don't have in our toolbox.  Information
on them is at http://www.qth.com/topten/ .  

The two most interesting messages came from WC1M and W2VJN.  Suggested


Bill Fisher, W4AN

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