[CQ-Contest] Other layout considerations

Patrick Barkey pbarkey at gw.bsu.edu
Thu May 6 09:39:13 EDT 1999

I have my PC monitor at desk level.  However, it is offset slightly to
right.  Radio #1 is offset slightly to the left.  Radio #2 is
above radio #1.  The keyboard is "centered" in the gap between
radios and the monitor.  They are all directly in my field of view.

I, too, am right handed, which means that I tune left handed.
(My right hand is always a few inches from the paddle).
My radios are aligned such that when my left hand is extended
naturally from my body, it falls right on my main tuning knob
of radio #1.  Which is just to the left of my keyboard.

Here's a few other things you didn't talk about.

Tilt the back of the bottom radio down, so that the face is tilted
up towards you.  You will be able to see the radio face with
no distortion, no glare.  This is what you look at for 48 hours.
Much less fatiguing.

Think about dropping your keyboard below table level.

I've got a small cutout from my table top that fits my keyboard.
It recesses the keyboard down about 4 or 5 inches.
I've also got a piece of hard formica that I can put on top of the
cutout to give me a smooth tabletop, coving the keyboard
shelf, if preferred.

I have found that for phone contests, when I can have both hands
resting on the keyboard and type with both hands, the lowered
keyboard is great.  Its a better typing height.  For CW, I am
Its a good typing height, but it is tiring when you have to lift
right hand back up to table height to send with the paddle.
So sometimes I put the formica piece in and use the keyboard at

   - Pat

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