[CQ-Contest] Re:Contest preparation?

Rex J Maner k7qq at juno.com
Fri May 7 19:52:31 EDT 1999

> From: Doug Brandon <dab at home.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest preparation?
> Sometime in the past, somebody posted a great guideline of how to
> for a 48 hours contest.  What to eat/drink a few days before, sleep
> patterns, etc.  Could somebody please repost that?
> Thanks,
>    73 de Doug, N6RT

Anyone have the protocol that they use for the B-1 bomber pilots that fly
the KC area to Kosovo and back with several refuelings and no place to
sleep in
the back?  I know from the KC paper and a similar note in WSJ that such a
protocol exists, but suspect that it might involve some performance
substances, not coffee.


You forget that here (AMATEUR RADIO )  were dealing with mostly old farts
55 plus and the pilots you are talking about are for the most part late
20's early 30's     BIG DIFF.

They party all nite before  they take off, that way one of the pilots
will be able to get some sleep rite away then relieve the other guy. An
old saying is that if your tired enuff you can sleep anywhere.

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