[CQ-Contest] 2RSO Operating Position Layout

Fred Roberts froberts at pe.net
Fri May 7 13:15:17 EDT 1999

Dale L. Martin wrote: -snip-
   At this weeks senior staff safety committee meeting, OSHA "strongly
encouraged" that a computer ergonomics training class that our safety
division offered on a voluntary basis be mandatory for all civil service

> So, today, at the second class session ..... Most of my thoughts
> during the class were not about my workstation at my office, but about
> relating the computer ergonomics lecture points to amateur radio
> contesting.
> Here are some of the points: -snipped the ones related to seeing-
> The monitor should be at or within +/- 15 degrees of eye level;
> The monitor should be 12-30 inches from your eyes


I normally wear reading glasses, but since I am normally further from
the monitor than a book, I had a special pair of glasses made that focus
at 20".  Surprising that OSHA didn't mention the potential need for
"special prescriptions" on glasses.

Fred Roberts, W6TKV
Riverside, CA

P.S. After a few contests, I think a lot of us stumble onto to what
works and what doesn't.

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