[CQ-Contest] Dayton Contest Forum

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Sat May 8 15:42:05 EDT 1999

*** Announcing the 1999 Dayton Hamvention(tm) Contest Forum ***

The contest forum will be held Saturday, May 15 from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon at 
Meadowdale HS in Dayton (5 minutes from the Arena).

The preliminary program is on the Hamvetnion site, but one of the speakers 
has had to drop out, and I am working on a replacement. Since that one's not

confirmed yet, I prefer to hold off until I announce the final program.

All presentations will happen at the scheduled times on the Hamvention Web 
Site (http://www.hamvention/org/forums)

About the High School location...

please do not complain to me about the Forum being at the High School again.

I endured enough complaining last year, but the responses to the survey I 
posted actually turned up much less negative than I expected, and I even got

some repsponses that were quite positive. Most of the people who complained 
the loudest (even after Dayton) didn't actually *go* to the Forum, but just 
*knew* it was a worse location. Go figure.

It really is a better venue. Parking is free, and there's frequent and fast 
shuttle bus service (about 5 minutes) to the Arena all day. The 
auditorium is all ours, and there's no noise form teh Hamvetnion crowd, and 
nobody from the other rooms will complain about the Forum speakers making 
too much noise when they play a tape of 160M European CW runs. 

And if you don't actually want to go the Arena, you don't need a Hamvention 
registration to get into the Contest Forum...

I am working on getting some breakfast munchies available at the HS. Gotta 
have my coffee after a late night suite-hopping.

I would suggest a plan of attack for contesters at Dayton that goes 
something like:

Friday - Antenna Foroum, flea market if the weather is good, inside if the 
weather is bad. Back to the Crowne Plaza after dinner for suite-hopping.

Saturday - Contest Forum in the morning, then back to the Arena/flea market 
for the afternoon (unless you want to stay at the HS for the DX Forum in the

afternoon). Back to the HS to get your car and head start back to the Crowne

Plaza by 6:30 for the Contest Dinner (5:30 if you want cocktails...), 
followed by suite-hopping.

Hope to see you all at the Forum - it's a good program.


Doug K1DG
k1dg at contesting.com   <--- replies to this address only, since I will be 
traveling from now until I arrive in Dayton and only this address will reach

me reliably

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