[CQ-Contest] QSO Parties

Stephen Merchant merchant at garlic.com
Fri May 7 17:11:10 EDT 1999

The Northern Calif. Contest Club has been sponsoring the California QSO
Party since 1974 -- this fall's contest will mark the 25th CQP anniversary
for NCCC.  The club has worked long and hard to put CQP at the top of the
heap in state qso parties.

Regarding numbers of qsos and participation, last year we received 538 logs
and the high water mark for qsos was set by the dreaded N6O team who made
4933 Q's (after dupes.)  Not bad for a local event.

Most of these facts and a lot more info at http://www.cqp.org.

See you all in WPX CW (from HC8N), and this fall in CQP!

73, Steve K6AW

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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