[CQ-Contest] Risks of paper logs

David A. Pruett k8cc at ix.netcom.com
Sun May 9 14:43:59 EDT 1999

At least one person here on the reflector has threatened to go back to
paper logs in retaliation for QSO penalties.  How about this food for

All of the contest sponsors use computers to cross check the logs nowadays.
 Suppose you send in a sizable, competitive log on paper.  What is the
logchecker gonna do?  Probably type it in so it can be checked to the same
level as the e-logs.  Will the person typing in the log make mistakes? 
Will these mistakes get caught?  Do you have any control over these

My intent here is not to malign any of the dilligent log checkers who are
making their best, honest effort to provide a service to the contest
entrants.  My point is that if you're going to submit a paper log and force
the logchecker to type it in, you will be compelled to accept whatever
results.  Go read the contest summary sheet that you signed your name to;
you agreed to accept all decisions of the contest committee as final.

At my place of employment we are making a tremendous effort to harmonize
the data that we use.  Enter it once, then use it in many different ways. 
Every time the data must be transcribed (or even converted thru automation)
errors can and do creep in.  The best possible scenario for contest log
checking is that the data be converted electronically AT ITS SOURCE (i.e.,
during the QSO).  YOU can ask for a fill, the logchecker can't.  You, as
the contest entrant, needs to accept responsibility for this task.  Trying
to pass it off on the logchecker is irresponsible.  Doing this to avoid
scrutiny of your sloppy log is dishonorable.


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