: Re: [CQ-Contest] SS from KP4

Rex J Maner k7qq at juno.com
Sun May 16 04:14:07 EDT 1999


The BEST section to work SS from is SK. A close second is MB.

Well I'm not so sure about doing SS from VE4  or  VE5 but in November I
think I would prefer to be in KP4 or KV4  than  Ab or  Sk soaking up the
Sun  both pre and post contest.  The prop from  KP  to W1 an W2  big  ham
population centers isn't too bad either and  40 is just perfect to W4
where there just a few hams and lots of  Red Necks on  80.
When  10 M is really good WWA isn't a bad place to operate from,  I've
seen 4 or 5 of the  top 10 from Left coast with good conditions.  with 
poor conditions   the  Tx  Stations seem to have the edge with  1 hop 20
and 40 to the   1'st an 2nd  call areas. and  all the  W6's they can
stand.  The Yuma kid LL doesn't seem to care what conditions are he's
always there in top 10  and warm in November..   
Personal Opinion     GO SOUTH FOR THE WINTER.

Both are in the Top 10 of rare sections and have boffo all-day prop to 
all U.S. high-population centers (the skips all land at exactly the right

spots, slightly more so for SK than MB). Have a string of unanswered CQs 
pointing to the eastern seaboard? No problem, point to California. You're

likely 20 over 9 in both places. Ten meters is crazy (hey, to a tech-plus

KC4, VE5 or VE4 is rare DX. You want SS pileups? You'll get SS pileups! 
And you'll be 40 over 9, even at low power.)

Sure, it's a little discouraging when Saturday you work a W1 on 75 and 
he's 300 ahead of you. But then on Sunday, when his prop has petered out 
and he's worked almost all he's gonna on 75, you're still running at 150+

an hour. VE4GV's success is solely because he's a good op.

The only advantage to KP4, as I see it, is if the bands peter out, you 
can grab a cuba libre and stretch out on the sand. And that's gotta be 
worth a dB or two.

73, kelly
ve4xt at mts.net

Opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Gender-specific

pronouns used only for convenience. Your mileage may vary. In case of 
discrepancy between these opinions and the REAL opinions of the author, 
the latter shall prevail. May contain peanuts. Not responsible for lost 
belongings. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

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