[CQ-Contest] Contest Summeries

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at eskimo.com
Thu May 27 22:44:42 EDT 1999

Contest summaries

	It's been a long break since the last "major" contest but with WPX a
couples day away, I am looking forward to the "summer" series (WPX, IARU.
FD, NAQP) and to doing the summaries. (Yes, I do enjoy doing them) Since it
has been a while, maybe some reminders are in order.

1) Contest results should only be posted on the 3830 reflector. If you post
to 3830, I will find your info and include it in the contest summaries.

2) If you are not subscribed to 3830, want to send me a direct posting, or
cc: me your 3830 posting - no problem, I love 'em. Just drop the info to
mwdink at eskimo.com. 

	DO NOT use html - not every one out there is using a graphical mailer
program. Lots of subscribers use older UNIX systems and the TEXT based
mailers they provide. In addition, the program I use to create the
summaries is text based - as such, I have to dig through the encoding to
find your info. 

	DO NOT attach your logs to your summary posting - I have no need for your
logs. Either does the reflector. 

	DO NOT attach your summary as a separate text file. Put your summary in
the body of the message (Note: some contest sponsors want your summary as a
separate text file - follow the contest rules for OFFICAL  submissions)
Otherwise, if I have to go hunt for your summary, I get lazy and those go
in last.

	DO NOT reply with the ENTIRE contest summary if a correction is needed.
Snip out the
unneeded parts and send me or the reflector what's needed to get your point

	DO send me corrections, feedback, and comments - directly

	DO give me a couple days to get new data in, I usually do summaries once a
day after the initial blast.

	DO include your Call, the contest, and your class in the message header.
If you must summarize more than one contest or station, make it clear in
the body of g) the text.

4) I am not affiliated  with any of the contest sponsors or even the
reflector. If you send your logs to the contest sponsor,  your score will
not be posted in a summary unless it gets to 3830 or myself through some

It's very important to remember that these summaries are for FUN and they
are UNOFFICIAL. In fact, they're wild RUMORS. They are a means to help some
of you make quick comparisons  as to how you did in the contest without
screening hundreds of postings. Myself, I look at it as cheap
entertainment. However, some of us get VERY serious about the competition
and the standings.  I try to accommodate that attitude but I am not without
error. As such,  I'll be the first to admit to making a mistake and I am
very amiable to making corrections.  

Finally, now is a good time to think back and remember Jimmy Floyd, K4ZAM
who became a Silent Key this past week. Jimmy did these summaries for years
- you can find his work in the archives back to 1996. I never appreciated
the amount of work it took until I started doing it myself. I invite you to
visit a site with Jimmy's picture on it -
http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/k4zam.html  So often, we never actually get to
see each other in this hobby, and a picture can make that person all the
more real than a voice or a string of dits on the air. Thanks for your work
Jimmy - I never took the time to say that when it should have been said. 

Now, all that said, lets go out and have some fun. 

Dink, N7WA

Michael Dinkelman, N7WA
mwdink at eskimo.com
Kent, WA

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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