[CQ-Contest] wpxms AJ4Y @ W1CW - 11% domestic

Ray Rocker rocker at ametro.net
Mon May 31 18:30:32 EDT 1999

> Now that I am back at home I have the enhanced score, which is
> 6.972M...neat......that is about an 11% increase thanks to 1 pointers.
> I would be interested to see if others witness similar percentages as a
> result of the new rules...this was a hot topic on the contest reflector last
> year.

Here are some figures from my logs:

Contest         All-QSOs  USA-QSOs  %-USA    Score-Old    Score-New
WPX CW 1997       1253      401     32.0%     1754004      1989792
WPX CW 1998       1196      470     39.3%     1418772      1676332
WPX CW 1999       1835      448     24.4%     3022170      3315610

This year, my score was improved by 9.7% due to the new 1-point rule.

Strategy-wise, before the rule change I would try to work each
domestic station I heard exactly once, even if they weren't a
new prefix for me. This year, I tried to work each domestic 
station on each band.

Even so, my percentage of domestic QSOs went way DOWN this year.

The conclusion I draw from this is that band conditions, not the
scoring rule change, is the dominating factor. Who is going to
settle for 1-point domestic QSOs when 3-point DX QSOs are there
for the taking? Not I.

Ray Rocker   WQ5L
rocker at ametro.net

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