Harry Flasher hflasher at dayton.net
Sat Oct 2 01:42:37 EDT 1999

The mix of couples and single ops for the upcoming PJ9CW multi-single
effort in the above contest has left an open bed in one of the two
villas the group will use.

W0CG - Geoff is putting together group, but I'm pinch hitting due to
other comittments he has this weekend.  Our strongest need leans toward
a reasonably good run rate op with high accuracy.  However, if your
interest is in MULT chasing or even just to help out as you can, let me
know.  Some of the other group members do not prefer the run station but
will take sessions so we can have the station fully functionable all 48
hours with good rest periods.

I invite you to check the web page as below for more details.


I will check my email a number of times over the weekend to answer and
questions or provide more info.  My home phone is 937-434-9616 for those
who might want to discuss options, etc.

American Air and ALM Antillian make Curacao out of Miami.  For other
routing you can search for ALM and bring up their schedules.

The run station is planned as a 940 with an AL1200 with a variety of
antenna.   MOst of the details are on the web page.

73  Harry  W8KKF  J37K

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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