[CQ-Contest] UBN relative performance

Dick Green dick.green at valley.net
Tue Oct 5 20:32:27 EDT 1999

> CQ Contest Magazine publishes a UBN "Honor Roll" that lists all entrants
> with a UBN score reduction of 10% or less.

So, how can I subscribe to CQ Contest Magazine? The web site is under
construction and there's no way to subscribe on the main CQ site. Do I have
to go buy a copy of CQ to get a subscription blank?

I don't know about the rest of you, but subscribing to four journals (QST,
NCJ, CQ, CQ Magazine) just to make sure I get all the important contest info
seems like a bit much (probably close to $100 per year.) It's a pretty small
market to be split up between four mags -- I doubt anybody's making any
money on those contest pubs. Everybody else is merging to consolidate
markets and be more efficient, why not contest pubs?

73, Dick WC1M

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