[CQ-Contest] CQWW Multiplier Station

Hans Brakob - K0HB k0hb at arrl.org
Tue Oct 26 12:26:49 EDT 1999

Jim Reisert wrote:
> At 10:28 AM 10/26/1999 -0400, Henry Heidtmann N4VHK wrote:
> >I believe this covers it-
> >
> >All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when
> >performing any activity that could impact their submitted score."
> >
> >By transmitting outside your mode, you would violate this rule.
> >IMHO-
> It doesn't sound like just your opinion, it sounds like THE RULES.  Thanks
> for posting this.  Even if it weren't against the LETTER of the rules, it
> sure smells like it's against the spirit.

Hey, everything that *I* didn't think of first is "against the spirit" of
the rules.  So long as all the contacts are CW, there is nothing in
the rules against this idea.

Hokey, yes......   illegal, no.

73, Hans, K0HB

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