[CQ-Contest] Promote this WRTC callsigns

Bob Nash ve3kz at netcom.ca
Fri Apr 14 10:19:08 EDT 2000

The Oscar for the best calls go jointly to S544Z and S566Z both 59 bits,
short and those lovely double numbers. The worst call award is a four way
tie between S561C, S517W,  S571W, and S568Y, all 65 bits. Special mention
goes to S548X for the strangest sounding signal (report).

Thanks for the check list Mario. I can imagine the present licensees in
other services in Slovenia would be reluctant to give up their S5AA to S5ZZ
calls for us to use! Looks good from here as long as we don't draw one of
those four long ones! I somehow doubt whether the individual call will be
the deciding factor, but pre-publicity will help everyone!

Mario, I'll put the list in "The Canadian Amateur" July-August issue which
comes out just before WRTC.

CU there
73 Bob VE3KZ ( Love those ZEDS)
VE3BMV/VE3KZ NA Wildcard
ve3kz at rac.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: S56A <Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si>
To: cq-contest at contesting.com <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Date: April 12, 2000 11:33 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Promote this WRTC callsigns

> S511E   S521H   S531R   S541F   S561C   S571W   S581I
> S512T   S522R   S532N   S542B   S562P   S572L   S582A
> S513A   S523W   S533G   S543C   S563X   S573O   S583D
> S514U   S524G   S534J   S544Z   S564Q   S574V   S584M
> S516M   S526O   S536P   S546Q   S566Z   S576K   S586U
> S517W   S527K   S537L   S547B   S567F   S577V   S587N
> S518N   S528D   S538F   S548X   S568Y   S578R   S588S
> S519I   S529A   S539D   S549L
>This is the list of 53 special S5 callsigns for competing
>teams during the 3rd WRTC event at Bled, July 5-11th 2000.
>Several S5A-S5Z callsigns will be used from Apr. 15th
>for WRTC promotion. QSL manager for them all is S59L.
>More info can be found at http://wrtc2000.bit.si .
>73 de Mario, S5M, N1YU >>
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