[CQ-Contest] Filters

David Robbins k1ttt at berkshire.net
Mon Apr 17 23:54:12 EDT 2000

one important thing to remember with either the k2tr style stub filters or other
bandpass filters is that they only stop the harmonics generated by the radio
and/or amp.  if something outside the shack is rectifying the stub won't help. 
i had that here for a while when i had a bad connection on the 160m inverted v,
had big harmonic on 80m that nothing would filter out.  one way to try to figure
out if that is the problem is to tune to the harmonic on the rx (carefully with
attenuator if it is really bad) and start turning the power down.  if it gets to
a point and suddenly dissapears you probably have something rectifying outside
the shack, or possibly inside, i recently had 2 mfj swr meters go bad and arc
internally for some reason... what a noise that made! at least until the smoke
escaped. check coax connectors also. if outside the problem is often wx related,
being better when things are wet and worse when dry.

Tom Hellem wrote:
> Hi guys:
> Tried the K2TR filters over the weekend in MI QSO Party. Had good luck =
> with most combinations but could not get rid of the interference coming =
> from the 80m xmitter into the 40m receiver.
> Anyone ever have a similar problem and what did you do to deal with it?

David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt at berkshire.net   or   robbins at berkshire.net

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