[CQ-Contest] September QST out

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Fri Aug 18 19:38:35 EDT 2000

Front cover aerial photo of the W5UN "Mighty Big Antenna" EME array, with a 
feature article inside.

Contest related items:
Jamboree On The Air 2000 (a chance to check-out those station improvements 
just before CQWW, and get some new recruits for ham radio contesting)
Results - School Club Roundup 2000
Short Takes - EZNEC 3.0 for Windows
Happenings - WRTC Champs K1TO and N5TJ Do It Again (with picture)
Product Review - Switching Power Supplies Revisited (Alinco DM-330MV & 
Diamond GZV4000)
Rules - 2000 ARRL International EME Competition
Results - 2000 ARRL RTTY Roundup
Results - 1999 ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Other interesting items:
MBA, The Mighty Big Antenna (cover story)
Grid Chasing, Fixed or Mobile?
The OCR II Receiver (construction project)
The Monster Loop (building a high-performance LF receiving loop)
The Ross Hull Story (a VHF/UHF pioneer)
The Help Desk - ARRL Outgoing QSL Service
Product Review - MFJ-9340K QRP-Cub Transceiver Kit
How's DX? - Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands (ZD9)

Two-page ad for the ARRL Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Program; now includes 
separate plan for towers, rotors, and antennas.

And more….

Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

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