[CQ-Contest] [Fwd: [TowerTalk] K7GE SK]

Jay Terleski wx0b at arraysolutions.com
Thu Feb 3 18:11:33 EST 2000

I forward this for my friend. I think many of you have known Jim. I had
the fortunat chance to have dinner with him one night in Vegas. Very
very alert and kind gentleman.

Jay Terleski
WX0B - Array Solutions

From: Paul Nyland <paul at custommetalworks.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] K7GE SK

Last night, my good friend and mentor Jim Larsen, K7GE passed away. Jim was
the founder of Larsen Antenna, and a ham for some 67 years. A contester,
DXer, FOCer,CW enthusiast, experimenter and mad scientist, Jim loved this
hobby and contributed much to it. He will truly be missed by many in the
ham community. Funeral arrangements have not been made yet, but anyone can
contact me directly for information.

paul at custommetalworks.com

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