[CQ-Contest] Results - 14th Internet Sprint CW Contest

n6tr at teleport.com n6tr at teleport.com
Mon Jan 24 16:41:17 EST 2000

                     RESULTS - 14th INTERNET SPRINT
                           by N6TR & K2MM 

The 14th Internet Sprint (SprINT) contest was held during the last 
hour of 1999 and the first hour of 2000.  This was the ultimate test
for your computer and software during the Y2K changeover.  We chose
40 and 20 meters for this event.  Except for one QSO that was made
on 40 meters, it appears that band went unused.

Activity for the contest was down a little, but the good conditions
made up for it and the ratio of total QSOs made in the contest to 
the number of logs received was higher than the previous three 
runnings.  We also set a new record for the percentage of the QSOs
with logs on both ends - 98.4 percent, up from 97.9 percent in the 
previous running.  It will be difficult to continue this trend, but
hopefully we can continue our progress towards the "perfect" contest
where we have 100 percent of the logs.

The winner this time around was Trey Garlough, N5KO.  Second place 
went to Dan Craig who was testing out his new callsgin N6MJ.  You
will remember Dan's previous two callsigns, KC6CNV and AD6DO.  Dan
gave Trey a run for his money and you can see the blow by blow in 
the QSO graph. 

Third place went to Sprint veteren K6LL followed by K7CPU who edged
out K1HT by one QSO for 4th place. K1HT had a very impressive log
with zero points removed for miscopying any information.

The winner for the most mutilated name goes to Steve Merchant, K6AW.
He came up with Krelman, which is "just one of those words".  It is
an all purpose word that can be used to describe many things which 
don't have a good name.  For example: "Your krelman on the end of
the boom needs replacing".  Steve also won the TXNG competition by
choosing the wrong callsign (more on that later on in the writeup).

Steve and Trey were actually sitting about six feet from each other
during the event.  The K7RAT super-station was reconfigured for the
event and had both operators using a trap dipole for receiving.  It
was about 300 feet from the transmitting antennas.  

A number of you said you had a great time and looked forward to 
the next running of this event.  We are almost certain that there
will be another one, we just don't know when.  It took us awhile to
figure out how to reconfigure the participation statistics table to
include this running.  Now that this problem has been solved, perhaps
the next running won't be so long into the future.

If you enjoyed this event, I hope you will consider taking part in
the "real" sprint.  The next NCJ CW Sprint is on the 12th of February
(13th UTC).  Check out the Sprint Survival Web Page for rules and some
interesting stuff, including sound files of actual QSOs.  The URL is

Finally, this report would not be possible without the work of 
John Zapisek, K2MM, inventor of the LogZap software used to check
the logs and generate the interesting name tracings.  John will be
sending you an annotated copy of your log showing you how it was 

73 Tree N6TR

               Internet SprINT Participation Statistics

 Run- Date Logs  Calls ---------------QSOs--------------  ----Matched----
 ning      Sub'd Found 10m   15m   20m   40m   80m Total    OK   NG   Pct

  14  9912   34   56     0     0  3024     2     0  3026  2978   48  98.4
  13  9809   39   56    26  3472     0     0     0  3498  3426   72  97.9
  12  9612   48   98     0     0     0  3961   259  4220  3545  675  84.0
  11  9608   39   63     0     0  1587   717     0  2302  2194  108  95.3
  10  9604   37   62     0     0  1915  1772     0  3687  3452  235  93.6
   9  9512   49   76     0     0     0  2518  2080  4598  4230  368  92.0
   8  9507   33   82     0     0  2871   587     0  3458  2970  488  85.9
   7  9504   32   50     0     0   967  1629     0  2596  2268  328  87.4
   6  9501   29   64     0     0     0  2115   619  2734  2386  348  87.3
   5  9407   45   88     0     0  3258   247     0  3505  3044  461  86.8
   4  9404   29   54     0     0  1457  1081     0  2538  2394  144  94.3
   3  9401   30   55     0     0  2170   758     0  2928  2772  156  94.7
   2  9310   26   47     0     0  1552   574     0  2126  1912  214  89.9
   1  9305   29   74     0     0  2471     2     0  2473  2082  391  84.2

#OK  = your score
#NL  = no log from other station
#NG  = other contacts not credited
RXNG = you busted the call/number/name/qth of the station you worked
TXNG = the station you worked busted your call/number/name/qth
DUPE = you worked the same station within 3 previous non-dupes
BCHG = total number of band changes
ACCY = (#OK + #NG - RXNG) / (#OK + #NG)

CALL            #OK  #NL  #NG RXNG TXNG DUPE BCHG ACC'Y (each * is 1% > 80%)
n5ko            170    0   12    5    7    0    0  97.3 *****************
n6mj            163    4    7    5    4    0    2  97.1 *****************
k6ll            151    3    6    1    4    2    0  99.4 *******************
k7cpu (n6tr)    142    0   13    3    9    1    0  98.1 ******************
k1ht            141    1    4    0    4    0    0 100.0 ********************
ki7y            132    1    6    2    5    0    0  98.6 *******************
k6aw            132    1   22    5   16    2    0  96.8 *****************
w0rtt           130    2    7    3    3    1    0  97.8 ******************
k6xx            130    3   14    9    6    1    0  93.8 **************
ka9fox          115    1    9    2    7    0    0  98.4 ******************
k9aa (k9pg)     102    0   10    3    6    1    0  97.3 *****************
n5lz            102    0   11    7    3    3    0  93.8 **************
k6gv             99    0    8    5    3    0    0  95.3 ***************
wt9u             95    1    4    3    1    0    0  97.0 *****************
kg5u             94    1   10    2    8    1    0  98.1 ******************
n6ij (ae0m)      91    5   10    5    4    1    0  95.0 ***************
n9rv             86    0    1    0    1    0    2 100.0 ********************
n5tu             82    1   16   14    3    0    0  85.7 ******
w4oc             81    2   17   11    6    0    0  88.8 *********
ku6j             80    5    7    9    1    0    0  89.7 **********
k6iii            63    2   11    9    4    0    0  87.8 ********
k0ej             53    1    2    1    2    0    0  98.2 ******************
k5tr             53    0    9    6    3    0    0  90.3 **********
kz5d             50    0    9    4    4    1    0  93.2 *************
k5zd             39    1    8    2    4    2    0  95.7 ****************
na4k             33    0    5    2    3    0    0  94.7 ***************
w4pa             27    1    2    0    2    0    0 100.0 ********************
ws7l             21    0    5    4    1    0    0  84.6 *****
w7om             17    4    4    2    1    1    0  90.5 **********
w1nn             16    0    0    0    0    0    0 100.0 ********************
k9tm             13    1    2    2    0    0    0  86.7 *******
n8ea             10    0    1    0    1    0    0 100.0 ********************
w7nx              8    1    4    2    1    1    0  83.3 ***
aa5bt           007    0    0    0    0    0    0 100.0 ********************
ab7vi           -20   20    0    0    0    0    0   0.0 No log

#OK + #NL + #NG is the raw claimed score.  #NG is the number of busted QSOs.
Some contacts may be busted for more than one reason, so RXNG + TXNG + DUPE
may be greater than #NG.  Stations making more than 10 QSOs who did not
submit a log were penalized one point per unreported QSO!

All entrants' graded logs are being returned to them via e-mail.  Also, this
report and all the graded logs are available via FTP.  Point your browser at



Starting with the last running (9809), the Internet SprINT adopted the
QSO-credit rules long used by the KCJ (Keymen's Club of Japan).  These rules
state that QSO credit is allowed only for confirmed correct QSOs.  This
means not only that you lose credit if the station you worked mis-copied
your information -- a long-time Internet SprINT rule -- but also that you
lose credit if the station you worked did not send in a log.

The KCJ rules were kept in place for this running.  However, the accuracy
column was changed to reflect only copying accuracy.  QSOs that were busted
only because the other station mis-copied your info are still deducted from
your score, however they no longer pull down your accuracy figure.  With
these new accuracy criteria, there are many more golden logs, some of them
quite substantial:  K1HT (145), N9RV (87), W4PA (29), W1NN (16*), N8EA (11),
AA5BT (7*).  The asterisk (*) denotes a log that also had no sending errors
(TXNG=0), a golden log even by the previous stricter criteria.


Many sincere thanks go to Tree/N6TR for his yeoman efforts in the
log-wheedling department.  His persistence and persuasiveness resulted in a
record 98.4 percent of reported QSOs being matched, up from last running's
97.9 percent.  This makes name tracing not only possible, but almost easy!
It also allows excellent reconstruction of non-submitted logs.  Some of
these reconstructed logs can be very entertaining.  (See below!)


Top finisher Trey/N5KO (N-5-Knock-Out) overcame a slow start to catch
runner-up Dan/N6MJ by the contest mid-point at Universal Midnight.  He then
established a 7-QSO lead in the next 15 minutes and held on to it for the
winning margin.

    This graph shows the race between N5KO and N6MJ minute by minute.
    The x-axis is a constant rate of 160 QSOs per two hours.  Each line
    above/below the x-axis is one valid QSO more/less than that rate.

    Call:  N5KO  N6MJ  (tie)
    Sign:    k     m     #

    2300      2310      2320      2330      2340      2350      0000
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |  mmmm   |   m     |
    |     mm  |         |         |        mm m     mm|mmm m mm |
    |  mmm  mmm     mmmm|         |      m  |m     m  m     m k m  84
    |mm       |mmmmm    m         |  mmmm m |  k k    |   kkkk #k  83
    m         |         |mm       mmm       |   k kkkk|kkk      |
    k         |         |  mmmm m |         | k       k         |
    +kkk------+---------+------m-m+--------kkk--------+---------+  80
    |   k     |         |         |       k |         |         |
    |         |         |         |      k  |         |         |
    |    k k  |         |         |k kk k   |         |         |
    |     k kk| kk k    k         k k  k    |         |         |
    |         k   k k  k|k      kk|         |         |         |
    |         |k     kk | kkkkkk  |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |

    0000      0010      0020      0030      0040      0050      0100
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |        kk k k     |
    |         |         |         |         |       k |k k k    |
    |         |         |         |kk       |    kkk  |     kk k|
    |         |         |     kkkkk  kk    kkkkkk     |       k k 170
    |         |         |    k    |    kkkk |         |         |
    |         |     k kk|   k     |         |         |         |
    |         |  k   k  kkkk      |         |         |         |
    |         kkk  k    |         |         |         |         |
    |        k|   k     |         |         |         |         |
    m#     kk |         |         |   m     |         mmm mmmmmm|
    k ###m#m m|         |         |  m mm   |  mm    m|  m      m 163
    |    k  m mm        |   mmmmm |mm    m mmm   mm m |         |
    |         | m  mmmmm|mm      mm       m | m    m  |         |
    +---------+--m------m--m------+---------+---------+---------+ 160
    |         |   m     |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |


How nice it is that radios are not like cars.  They can be safely operated
even when the operator is a bit tipsy -- an important feature on New Year's
Eve -- as long as the covers are kept closed!

Vince/AB7VI seemed to be very much in a party mood for this running.  He did
not submit a log, but we've reconstructed all 20 of his QSOs from other
entrants' logs.  He started out sending not only the name he received in the
preceding QSO, but the received section as well.  (BTW, this HAS been done
once before!)  After he spotted and fixed this problem, many stations
started mis-copying his callsign as AB7V.  Maybe Vince pulled the plug on
some misbehaving software and switched to a hand key???

     20 0003 n5tu    50 mark    tx ab7vi    1 vince   wa
     20 0004 k6xx    80 mark    ca ab7vi    2 mark    tx
     20 0007 ku6j    42 wart    ca ab7vi    3 mark    ca
     20 0009 k6xx    86 rob     ca ab7vi    4 warn    ca
     20 0016 ku6j    52 greg    ca ab7vi    5 rob     ca
     20 0018 n6mj   112 mike    ca ab7vi    6 greg    ca
     20 0021 k6ll   107 greg    az ab7vi    7 mike    ca
     20 0039 wt9u    77 ron     in ab7vi    8 greg    wa
     20 0040 ku6j    76 greg    ca ab7vi    9 ron     ca
     20 0042 w4oc   100 paul    sc ab7vi   10 greg    wa
     20 0043 n6ij    88 greg    ca ab7v   111 paul    wa
     20 0046 n6mj   153 mitch   ca ab7vi   12 greg    wa
     20 0048 w0rtt  127 mike    co ab7vi   13 mitch   wa
     20 0050 w7om    25 joe     wa ab7vi   14 mike    wa
     20 0051 n6ij    97 greg    ca ab7v    15 joe     wa
     20 0053 kg5u    98 joe     tx ab7vi   16 greg    wa
     20 0054 w0rtt  133 mike    co ab7vi   17 joe     wa
     20 0056 n6ij   102 od      ca ab7v    18 mike    wa
     20 0058 w4pa    27 mike    tn ab7vi   19 od      wa
     20 0059 n6ij   106 ron     ca ab7v    20 mike    wa

OTOH, maybe Vince sent CA instead of WA so much because even though he lives
in Port Orchard, WA, he does live on California Avenue!


Everybody knows that Steve/K6AW is in California, right?  Not this time.
Steve operated this running from the K7RAT clubhouse (Tree/N6TR's home in
Boring, OR).  Instead of using the club call, however, he used his own call.
A big mistake.  Even though he sent OR, he lost credit for nine QSOs with
stations who logged him as being in CA -- W4OC three times, and K5TR, N5LZ,
and N5TU twice each.

We were thinking of assessing Steve a 1000-point penalty for failing to use
the correct call, but we figured the several-place drop in the standings he
bought himself was punishment enough :-)

<< UPDATE - Steve has pleaded not-guilty.  He simply sat down at the 
   computer and started operating the contest.  The config file for 
   the contest had been setup ahead of time by N6TR and had the K6AW
   call already programmed.  Therefore, Steve thinks K7CPU should be
   given the penalty. >>

<< FINAL UPDATE - N6TR claims that Steve would have had plenty of time
   to make the change to K7RAT if N5KO wouldn't have been taking a nap.
   Steve had to go wake Trey up 2 minutes before the contest.  Therefore,
   N5KO is the one who should be assessed the penalty.  This might also
   explain Trey's slow start in the contest. >>


Clueless ops will always be a part of this contest.  They hear a Sprint-like
contest on the air and jump right in.  No problem -- they fail to send the
last-received name because they don't know the rules, but that means they
also don't know they can work dupes.  Thank goodness!

     20 0015 w4oc    76 dan     sc w0if     1 ron     mn
     20 0020 w7om     8 andy    wa w0if     2 ron     mn

     20 2318 n6mj    30 pete    ca w9mik    2 mike    il #1
     20 2323 n6ij     7 pete    ca w9mik    2 mike    il
     20 2324 k6xx    27 dave    ca w9mik    3 mike    il

     20 2344 k6ll    57 perry   az wa3gos  51 sterl   md #1
     20 0027 ku6j    62 warm    ca wa3gos  51 sterl   md #2
     20 0040 w7om    18 greg    wa wa3gos  51 hterl   md #3
     20 0057 k6aw   151 sterl   or wa3gos  51 sterl   md #4

     20 2313 k5zd     2 emily   ma wb5lxj   1 greg    tx #?
     20 2310 k6iii   10 tony    ca wb5lxj   4 greg    tx
     20 2319 ka9fox  10 dan     wi wb5lxj   5 greg    tx
     20 2320 ku6j    17 jim     ca wb5lxj   6 greg    tx
     20 2323 k9tm     1 tim     oh wb5lxj   7 greg    tx


> [Dave/K1HT]  146 QSOs is a personal best for me in an Internet SprINT.

Congrats Dave!  You sounded great out here on the west coast.

> [Randy/K5ZD]  Didn't even know the contest was on. . . .  Heard KU6J
> calling CQ INT on 14026 and realized I was missing the fun.

Remember Randy - the CW Sprint is on the 19th of February (heh-heh).

> [Eric/KU6J]  Very interesting contest, my first time in it.

Another sprint virgin bites the dust.  Hope to hear you next time.

> [Carl/WS7L]  This is only about the second time I've worked up enough
> fortitude to jump into a Sprint, but I think they're growing on me.

Nope - that's just moss.  You guys in Orygun get a lot of that.

> [Derek/AA5BT]  Equipment problem at 0008, I gave up.  7 QSOs in 8 mins so
> I claim a score of 105.  Or maybe double it.

Your equipment probably sensed that your QSO total had reached 007 and
decided that's exactly where it should stay :-)

> [Scott/W4PA/m]  I was scheduled to play a New Years' Eve gig.  I knew I
> would have a lot of spare time to kill before everything started at 9 PM,
> so I brought my Omni-VI along and set up in the back of my van.  Ah, the
> odor of burnt motor oil and dirty carpeting.  Is it Field Day :-)  Antenna
> was a 20 meter mobile whip.  I turned the power down to about 30 watts.

> [Bo/K6GV]  Operated from Pacific Bell's Sacramento Emergency Operations
> Center.  We just had a new M2 7+ 10-30 MHz LPA put up and it doesn't seem
> to play right yet.  We think it's the balun but nobody can jump to 60 feet
> to see.


> [Scott/W4PA]  I didn't hear anyone louder than S7, most were about S3-S4.
> K1HT was the loudest signal heard, must have been 1 hop from MA to TN.

> [Dave/K1HT]  20 meters held up well enough that I never felt a need to try
> 40.  How many logs show QSOs on 40?

One QSO in two logs means four total band changes for the whole contest.

> [Pat/N9RV]  40 meters was a total bust.  When you're allowed to work
> dupes, I guess the whole notion of QSYing is moot.

We have had runnings where activity has been reasonably split between two
bands.  See the Participation Statistics at the top of the write-up.

> [Dan/N6MJ]  This is a great contest.  Too bad the activity was real low.


> [Rod/W7OM]  I think the first guy got my name wrong as OD was given back
> to me several times.

> [Tree/N6TR]  As part of Intel's Y2K rollover team, my operation was
> technically a Y2K communications exercise.  However, even using K7CPU
> didn't keep me from using the Millenium Bug (made by Vibroplex) for
> sending and I even paper logged to make sure no computer glitches
> could affect me.  

> [Dan/N6MJ]  What happened to the usual sending dit dit or TU to confirm
> that u got the info?  It seemed like I was the only one doing it, and I
> could have made a lot more q's if I didnt.

This is important.  Personally, I didn't notice it being a problem.
If anyone needs a refresher on this, please visit the Sprint Survivial
Web Page which discusses the proper way to end a sprint QSO.  That
URL again is http://jzap.com/n6tr/sprint.html.

> [Pat/N9RV]  I made two name changes to correct for what appeared to me to
> be obvious copying errors:  copied DERT, resent as BERT; copied ELC,
> resent as ERIC.

Well, the rules DO allow you to change the name as long as you mark it in
your log.  But as a traffic handler, you'd have been drummed out of NTS for
editorializing your messages :-)

> [Eric/KU6J]  It really takes concentration/discipline to send the last
> name received rather than your own name, and to refrain from correcting
> what seems to be obvious mistakes in the names received.

Yep.  Discipline.

> [Eric/KU6J]  I'm curious to find out when KRELMAN got coerced into
> KREMLIN, unless there really were two different guys with these odd
> names. . . .  I just logs 'em as I hears 'em, and I ask for a LOT of
> fills, so I hope it wasn't me!

See the name traces for the complete story.  


> > [Paul/K9PG/K9AA]  And when do I get to be put on the TR-Log update list?
> > I Still need 6.46.
> [Tree/N6TR]  When I get your log ;-)

> [Mark/K0EJ]  Great way to start the new year (and the old computer worked
> just FB).

> [Joe/N8EA]  I went back into the shack after sending in my log and noticed
> my old computer indicated the date was Jan 4, 1980 -- a Y2K bug.

> [Scott/W4PA]  Any potential Y2K computer problem was avoided very neatly;
> I paper logged and then typed in the log.

> [Dale/KG5U]  My e-mailer (Outlook Express) hangs with the attachment OR
> with the complete log in the text field.

If the Linux bandwagon continues to roll, we all won't be stuck having to
use that MicroSquish crap very much longer!


> [Bo/K6GV]  I, with what virtue I have remaining, stayed awake for most of
> the sprINT and made some contacts.  I hope I complied with some of the
> rules.

Not a chance.  I'll bet your LPA was a Linear Power Amplifier instead of a
Log-Periodic Array.  Prolly shoulda given you another 1000-point penalty!

> [Dave/K1HT]  It looks as if I may lose four QSOs because the station that
> I worked had not made enough QSOs with other stations since the previous
> QSO with me.

Nope.  Dupes are only the other station's problem.  Only copying/logging
errors trigger the two-way bust rule.

> [Eric/KU6J]  You might also want to put the rules on a web site for next
> time.  I had the rules from your message to the contesting reflector, but
> I didn't see them linked to the normal contest calendar sites.

This is not a normal contest :-)  The cq-contest list -- where the rules
were posted -- does have web archives.  I also have an unofficial archive:


> [Rod/W7OM]  My log is for CHECK PURPOSES ONLY.

OK, Rod.  We checked your log and put your score in the standings.  Thanks!

> [Tony/AE0M/N6IJ]  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards
> Committee.

Quick!  Somebody get some rope!  And PLEASE don't forget Tony's gag :-)


For an explanation of the name-trace symbols ( = - + * # . ) see the
Reader's Guide to SprINT Name Traces at the end of this report.

 n5ko   124 albert  *=============n5tu=
 kz5d    52 greg    ===-=w4oc.

 k5tr     1 albin   =k6gv=
 wt9u     2 albert  ============================================
 . . .      albert  ===========w7nx-wq7l?

 kz5d     1 art     =================ki7y=
 n5ko    27 bert    =
 n5tu    15 bret    ==========k7cpu=
 w0rtt   36 bert    ====k5zd=
 k5tr     5 dert    ======n9rv
 n9rv    59 bert    ============================================
 . . .      bert    ========================n5ko=
 k9aa   110 dert    ==k7cpu.

 w4oc     2 bert    *=======================n6mj
 n6mj    40 mike    =
 n6ij    12 bert    =
 w4oc    27 fox     ============================================
 . . .      fox     ===========================================kz5d.

 k6gv     1 bo      ==================k6aw=
 n5lz    14 pete    ======n6ij-w9mik#
 k6xx    28 mike    ============================================
 . . .      mike    ============================================
 . . .      mike    ============-==-=n6ij.

 ws7l     1 carl    ============k7cpu=
 n6mj   116 cal     ==k1ht=
 k6aw   110 carl    =============================k5zd.

 kg5u     1 dale    ================k9aa=
 n6ij    93 dave    =============k9aa=
 k6gv   103 dale    ======k9aa.

 n6mj     1 dan     ============================================
 . . .      dan     =====================================n6ij+k1ht

 ve6ex    1 dan     =======w4oc-w0if#
 w7om     9 ron     =============================k6iii-n1pvp?

 k6ll     1 dave    ===============================k6xx-w9mik#

 n5lz     1 don     =====w4pa=
 k6gv     5 dan     ===========ka9fox-wb5lxj#
 ku6j    18 greg    ==================k6xx
 k6xx    58 grid    ===kg5u=
 k6iii   34 greg    ======================k1ht-wa2cpp?

 w4oc     1 don     +kz5d

 n5tu     1 earl    =================aa5bt.

 k6xx     1 emily   =============k5zd-wb5lxj#
 k6iii   11 greg    =====================================kg5u=
 w7nx     3 mark    ============================================
 . . .      mark    =========================k6ll.

 ku6j     1 eric    ================================w0rtt=
 k5tr    10 elc     ==n9rv
 n9rv    62 eric    ===================k1ht=
 k5tr    21 elc     =ka9fox=
 kz5d    30 eric    ===n5lz+k6gv

 n5ko     1 fizzbin ==========n6ij=
 k6xx    17 fizzbee ========n9rv=
 n5tu    16 fuzz    ============================================
 . . .      fuzz    ===========================n5ko+kg5u

 ka9fox   1 fox     ============================================
 . . .      fox     =======================================k6gv.

 n5lz    71 fuzz    *==========================================k0ej.

 wb5lxj   1 greg    =============k5zd=
 n5tu    17 dale    =========================================ka9fox=
 k5tr    22 dave    ===============================================kg5u.

 ka9fox  23 greg    *==============k6xx
 k6xx    51 grid    =k6aw=
 ka9fox  36 greg    ============n6mj=
 k6iii   32 mark    ================-=======w1nn.

 w1nn     1 hal     ============k6iii=
 n6mj    76 mark    ============-===============na4k.

 k1ht     1 hoag    =====k7cpu=
 na4k     7 hog     =======na4k=
 k6iii    8 sog     =
 n6mj    21 hog     =====k5zd=
 w4oc    15 hop     ================================k6ll=
 n5tu    43 sop     ===========k6xx=
 n5lz    61 hop     =n5ko=
 k6gv    49 sop     ============k6ll-ve6ex?

 k6iii    1 jerry   ===================k6xx=
 k7cpu   29 perry   ================k6ll-wa3gos#
 ku6j    63 sterl   ======================k6aw-wa3gos#

 ki7y     1 jim     ================ku6j-wb5lxj#
 k9tm     2 greg    ============================================
 . . .      greg    ============================================
 . . .      greg    ============wt9u.

 wt9u     1 jim     ======ki7y-wb8e?

 wa2cpp   1 joe     ============================================
 . . .      joe     ==============ws7l.

 n8ea     2 joe     ========k1ht.

 n6ij    55 joe     *===========================================
 . . .      joe     ==========-==-=======n5ko.

 k6aw     1 krelman ===================n5ko=
 w4oc    11 kremlin ===n5lz=
 na4k    23 krelman ==n5ko=
 w4oc    21 kremlin =
 k6iii   17 kremlim =n5lz=
 n5tu    22 kremlin ==k6aw=
 ku6j    29 krelman =k7cpu=
 k6xx    44 krelmin =
 k9aa    24 kremlin =======ka9fox=
 w4oc    65 kremlim =
 n6ij    47 kremlen ===k7cpu=
 n5ko   106 kremlin ===k0ej=
 kg5u    62 kremlen =
 k6aw   102 kremlin ======w7om-wb8uue?

 n1pvp    1 marino  ==========ki7y.

 k0ej     1 mark    -====================kz5d=
 k6aw   119 mike    =================================ka9fox.

 na4k     1 matrix  ====================n6mj=
 n5tu    19 mark    ==========================ka9fox=
 n6ij    31 mike    ============================================
 . . .      mike    ==================n6mj.

 wq7l     1 mike    =w7nx.

 w9mik    2 mike    ============================================
 . . .      mike    ======================-=====================
 . . .      mike    ============-=w7om.

 wb8uue   1 mitch   ==================-===========n8ea=
 ku6j    92 mike    .

 k7cpu  111 mitch   *============================k5tr.

 n9rv     1 pat     ============================================
 . . .      pat     =================n9rv.

 k9aa     1 paul    ============================================
 . . .      paul    ============================================
 . . .      paul    ========-====ka9fox=
 n5tu    88 paula   ==k1ht=
 n5lz   107 paul    ========k6aw.

 k7cpu    1 pentium ==============k6xx=
 n5tu    23 pete    ===============================w7nx=
 w0rtt   87 peter   =======k7cpu+w7om

 w0rtt    1 pete    =====================n6mj-w9mik#
 n6ij     8 mike    =====k6xx
 k6xx    31 grid    ==w4oc=
 n5tu    21 gred    =
 n5lz    26 greg    ===================================w7om-wa3gos#
 k6aw   152 sterl   ==n5tu.

 k5zd     1 randy   ==================k6ll=
 k6aw    41 andy    ============================================
 . . .      andy    ============-===========w7om-w0if#

 w7nx     1 rob     ==============-=============================
 . . .      rob     =======================n8ea.

 w7om     1 rod     =====w0rtt=
 ws7l     3 od      ===========================k6aw=
 w4oc    96 ob      ==========ka9fox=
 wt9u    87 od      ===========-==w0rtt.

 w0if     1 ron     ==================-===============n6ij-ab7v?

 wa3gos  51 sterl   ====k6xx=
 w4oc    46 stel    ====k5tr=
 k6xx    67 ster    ===========n5ko=
 kz5d    32 stan    ============================w4oc=
 w7om    13 od      ==================k6iii.

 k9tm     1 tim     -wb5lxj#

 n6ij     1 tony    ====k6iii-wb5lxj#
 ka9fox  11 greg    ============================================
 . . .      greg    =============================-===-=====-====
 . . .      greg    ===-==========k6xx.

 w4pa     1 tux     =k1ht=
 n5tu     3 tex     =========================ka9fox+k1ht

 ab7vi    1 vince   ========================n5tu=
 n6ij    70 fox     ==========================================w4pa.

 wb8e    12 walt    =======================kg5u=
 k6xx    77 wart    ========ku6j-ab7vi=
 k6xx    87 warn    ================k6iii=
 w4oc    83 warm    =ku6j-wa3gos=
 w7om    19 hterl   =
 w0rtt  118 sterl   =k6aw=
 n6mj   148 carl    ====================n5lz.

 aa5bt    1 why2k   ========na4k=
 k5zd     6 w5y2k   =k1ht
 k1ht    25 whytk   ====k5zd=
 k6xx    43 why2k   ===========k5tr=
 k9tm    16 -       .


 wa1mug   1 john    ==w1ua=
 kz4h     8 jon     ===-===w6go.

WA1MUG started with the name John.  The first station he worked got the name
OK, then passed it to W1UA.  The name John showed up OK in all three logs.

W1UA then worked KZ4H who recorded Jon in his log.  Either W1UA mis-sent the
name or KZ4H mis-copied or mis-logged the name on his QSO #7.  KZ4H then
passed Jon along to the next station he worked with his QSO #8.

Jon survived until W6GO copied it on his last QSO.  It showed up in the logs
of all stations in between, except for one station who did not send one in.

 wb2oeu   1 fred    =====-=====-=====wb2rkk-wb2woi=
 wa2uwa  17 stinky  -===-========-?-=========wa2eah-wa2ccf?

WB2OEU started with Fred which showed up OK in WB2RKK's log.  RKK then
worked WB2WOI who did not send in a log.  But WOI's next QSO# was found in
WA2UWA's log, and UWA recorded Stinky.  The error may have occurred anywhere
between RKK sending and UWA receiving.

UWA then passed Stinky with his QSO #17, and Stinky eventually made it into
WA2EAH's enormous log.  EAH then worked WA2CCF, who did not send in a log,
and the trace was lost.  Along the way, the name passed through at least two
consecutive stations who did not send in logs.  This made manual suturing of
the traces necessary.

 k2kir    1 howie   =========wa2spl=
 w2mta      sowie
 w2mta   20 bill    =========w2fr
 w2fr    30 dill    =========wb2drw.

K2KIR started with Howie.  WA2SPL said he copied and sent Howie, but W2MTA
said he copied Sowie.  MTA's log also said he found Sowie offensive, so he
changed it to Bill before sending it with his QSO #20.  W2FR copied Bill OK,
but his log said he's always had trouble sending Bill, so he changed it to
Dill before passing it on with his #30.

 k1znd   12 dave    *========wa1hco-wa1iqj#
 wa1pid  73 don     ==========================wb2fzo+k2eiu

K1ZND worked someone on his QSO #11 who sent him Dave -- or so he thought.
The other station didn't think the QSO complete, and so continued by sending
Dave on his next QSO without putting ZND in his log.  Meanwhile, ZND
blissfully passed on the freshly cloned Dave with his #12.

Dave made it OK to WA1HCO who passed it to WA1IQJ.  But IQJ was cluelessly
sending Don to everybody, including the next station he worked, WA1PID.
This Don survived until he got to WB2FZO.  FZO thought he passed Don to
K2EIU, but EIU was really working someone else, so Don fell on the floor.

. . . _ . _

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