[CQ-Contest] February QST, CQ, and CQ Contest out

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Mon Jan 24 21:37:11 EST 2000

Sorry that this is a little late, but have been out of town on business for 
over 8 days, caught the flu, spent 1.5 days in hospital due to an accident, 
and just today finally made it to the PO box between the winter storms we 
keep getting here in NC.


Front cover photo of a special Collins 75A-4 receiver that is the subject of 
a feature article inside.

Contest related items:
Correspondence column - The Cabrillo File Format (a negative letter)
2 X 3 = 6 (two 3-element yagi designs for 6 meters)
A Tower in the Attic (a neat way to keep that rotor looking brand new :-) )
A Beginner's Guide to Scaling Natural Skyhooks
A Keypad for the Yaesu FT-1000MP (homebrewing your own remote pad)
Test Your Knowledge! (quiz about slewing that aluminum around the tower)
Product Review - Ten-Tec Pegasus HF Transceiver

Other interesting items:
A 75A-4, One Piece at a Time (building a "counterfeit" 75A-4)
The Quartz Hill Story (a ZL club site that has hugh V-beams and rhombics) 
Restructuring is Here: 3 License Classes, One Code Speed
New Books - Joe Carr's Loop Antenna Handbook (short half-page writeup)
Old Radio column - The HRO-500
and lots more...,

now, on to CQ...

Front cover photo of WS7W adjusting one of his 160 meter Beverage antennas, 
with some real details in a quarter-page writeup inside. (Bravo CQ Staff!  
This is the kind of details we've been wanting for years)

Contest related items:
Explanations for Unusual Propagation
Announcing - CQ Spring VHF Activity Weekends
A Multiband Monoband Yagi
Contesting column - Is There Any Limit to Escalating Contest Scores?
Propagation column - Great CW DX Contest Weekend!

Other interesting items:
Zero Bias (editorial): The Wait is Over - Restructuring is Here
Tripping the Light Fanstastic (DXing with your laser pointer!)
The CE0AA DXpedition to Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
The Grid Dip Oscillator
How To Build An LED Indicating Dipmeter
The EZ-J High-Gain J-Pole Antenna (part 2 to last month's episode)
The How and Why of CW
Shortwave DXing for Hams, Part 1
Radio Classics column - The "Golden Age", In The Beginning
World Of Ideas column - QRP is Hot and Cooking! (features the new Elecraft K2)
Beginner's Corner column - Vericals
and even more...,

and last we have CQ Contest....

Front cover photo of JA5BJC antenna site with some details inside, but no 
idea of who the 5 individuals are standing in front of the towers.

Feature articles:
The Tale of Three Multis (analysis of 3 high-scoring M/M's in 99 WPX Contest)
Log Checking - Again?
An Antenna Phasing Method for 160, 80, and 40 Meters

Regular Departments:
The Band Edge (editorial) - Three's A Charm (as in the 3rd WRTC) 
Contesting History - The Changing World Map
Antennas for Contesting - Balun Leads
Operating Techniques - Single and Multi-Operating
In The Beginning - Thomas Andersen, OZ1AA
YL Contesting - J3A, The Rest of the Story
Up The Tower - More Tools, Carabiner and Slings
Continental Countdown - Results Fall 1999 Asia-Pacific Sprint; and J3A, 
Grenada 99 CQWW DX SSB Contest
Monthly Collectible - IARU Band Plans
A Conversation With - Arturo Gargarella, LU6ETB
and that's all.

Special Note 1 - Both QST and CQ have short writeups on Chod Harris, 
WB2CHO/VP2ML, and Paul Wilson, W4HHK (SKs).

Special Note 2 - ARRL has purchased CQ Communications' magazine 
"Communications Quarterly" and will be combining it with QEX.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC
k4tmc at aol.com

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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