[CQ-Contest] WRTC Observations

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Sun Jul 9 22:15:38 EDT 2000

We were operating IARU multi-single from K8CC, so our WRTC QSOs were made 
during the normal course of that event.  However, when a WRTC spot would 
appear, that "B" VFO sure comes in handy.

We made 83 WRTC QSOs, with 45 of the 53 teams.  S568Y was our QSO champ 
with four, while eight others we worked three times each.

I am pretty sure the S546Q was the MRRC team of K9TM & N2IC.  It sure 
sounded like 'TM's voice on 15M SSB.

 From our perspective, the WRTC stations were pretty even in signal 
strength and easy to work on 20M & 15M.  I even had a couple that were 
pretty weak pop right back to a call on 21 MHz during the 09Z hour.  On the 
other hand, we had thunderstorm QRN up to S9 on 7 MHz, but if we could hear 
the teams they could work us.  Forget 80M - like K8AZ said, even the big HQ 
stations were barely audible here amoungst the QRN.  10M was not quite good 
enough for us to work the WRTCers.  Still, you gotta love working JAs on 
long path.  Again, the 10 minute multi-single bandchange rule sometimes got 
in the way.

We were connected to the K1TTT PacketCluster via the Internet all 
weekend.  The majority of the spots seemed to come out of EU, so there were 
a lot of times we'd go chase a WRTC spot and not hear a thing.

As for operating practices, for at least the QSOs *I* made from our 
multi-op, I found the WRTC guys signing their calls every time and acting 
like superb operators.  Still, I wonder how many calls are going to be 
busted.  Many of the calls are similar - S546Q and S564Q for example.  One 
time, I found S517W and S571W only a couple KHz apart.  Ops who can't copy 
code were in trouble - for example I saw a spot for "S5BBZ" with the 
comment "Sometimes sends S56BZ".

As someone who was a participant in WRTC 1996, and said at the time that 
"The S5 crew has its work cut out for it", it appears that WRTC 2000 was 
accomplished in fine style.  My congratulations to everyone involved.


Dave Pruett, K8CC

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