[CQ-Contest] The ARRL Letter, Vol 19, No 27

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Jul 15 12:17:43 EDT 2000

Note change in scoring for OH1EH/OH1NOA.  73,  Bill  W4ZV

The ARRL Letter
Vol. 19, No. 27
July 14, 2000


World-champion contesters Dan Street, K1TO, and Jeff Steinman, N5TJ
(ex-KR0Y), retained their title at the World Radiosport Team Championship
2000 competition in Bled, Slovenia. Street and Steinman topped the field of
53 WRTC-2000 two-operator teams from around the world in off- and on-the-air
operating events designed to test their contesting skills. Using the call
sign S584M, the top-scoring K1TO-N5TJ WRTC-2000 team racked up 969 points of
out a possible 1000.

The competition included a 20-hour on-air event, concurrent with the IARU HF
World Championship Contest held over the July 8-9 weekend as well as off-air
pileup tapes competition held prior to the contest. The winning team also
scooped the pileup tapes competition.

During the 20-hour WRTC event, K1TO and N5TJ managed to put 2234 contacts
into the log--1277 of them on CW--and collected 364 multipliers (under WTRC
rules, multipliers were counted separately on phone and CW). Street and
Steinman also topped the field of competitors at the last WRTC, held in 1996
in the San Francisco Bay area. This time around, however, they did not enjoy
the same home-court advantage. 

Finishing in second place with 910 points was the Russian team of Igor
Booklan, RA3AUU, and Andrei Karpov, RV1AW, operating as S587N. Coming in at
number 3 with 870.34 points was the US wildcard team of Doug Grant, K1DG,
and CQ magazine contest editor John Dorr, K1AR. Grant and Dorr operated as

In the final results, only one other US team made the top 10. The S519I team
of Bob Shohet, KQ2M, and Dan Handa, W7WA, finished at number 9. A scoring
correction for the Finnish team of OH1EH and OH1NOA, operating as S537L,
nudged the S531R combo of Jeff Briggs, K1ZM, and Andy Blank, N2NT, out of
the top 10 to number 11.

During this third WRTC, world-class contest operators competed using modest
stations running 100 W on CW and SSB, plus equivalent
antennas--three-element triband Yagis for 10, 15, and 20 meters, and Windoms
for 80 and 40 meters, both mounted about 40 feet above ground. All stations
were on hilltops or mountains. 

Sponsoring WRTC-2000 was the Slovenia Contest Club. Serving as the chief
referee at this year's event was the ARRL's Executive Vice President David
Sumner, K1ZZ.

A listing of the WRTC-2000 teams and scores is available at
http://wrtc2000.bit.si/ and stories posted by several participants and
observers are at http://www.ncjweb.com .

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